
Mar 01, 2005 10:19

What exactly is a "break"? It's been described to me as something used for a) bad reasons to just hook up with random people (a.k.a. weeklong bachelor/ette party depending on how long it is), but I've also hear it described as b) used to figure out yourself, and try and experience new things and see if that person is really the right one for you, and if you find that is the case, to return home to them loving them more than ever...
Do they ever work? The first case scenario just doesn't make sense to me, if you actually just want to go on a fling, then you should question whether or not you love your partner (although I guess thats open to disagreement). The 2nd I struggle with as well, just because of the feasibility of it. Whoever intiates the break will rarely do so when both want one, so it will probably cause resentment. They will also most likely become insanely jealous, and try to cause the other to become jealous through casual hookups --> crazy nights, e.t.c.

Put bluntly, how often do the couples get back together with their relationship stronger than ever? How much more often is one of them left regretting the break, because the person of their dreams did something dumb? How often do they get back together, with their relationship changed forever and the bonds of trust gone because of an infidelity? And I guess to throw in another "happy" scenario so its even, how often do both of them fine someone different, and are both satisfied?

oh, one more thing, I suggest anyone whose had an intense relationship read this article:
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