
May 04, 2005 20:57

My diet recently has consisted of:
  • Pacific brand soup (creamy tomato, and roasted pepper-with tomato)
  • Garden burgers
  • oatmeal
  • old lettus

    Wow! isnt that interesting! I know.

    I have been in a very very stange mental place recently, and I dont really know what to do with it (put it in a box?).
    I also feel like I am not doing anyhting. many people are rushing around being productive (see: AP tests, SAT, rehersal, jobs...) adnI feel like a big bum. Now this isnt self-pity corner so we'll move on to the explosive (ohhhhh shiiiiiiiit).

    Rehersals have been supa intence. bushals of dancing and such, quite fun. However, yesterday I absolutly destroyed my left big toe on an exposed bolt protruding from the LGI floor. suckscore. Wait! today, we rehersed the hardest scene in the play (where the Jets harrass the crap out of Anita and almost have Baby-John rape her) and it was fucka intence. Sean was stellar. The way he delivered his lines, especially on the last run, really drove in a burning stake of emotion that shook the entire cast.

    more news from the homefront is that later this summer i will be participating in an eleven day hike throught the olympic mountains. I am really excited to spend a extended period of time in nature, with very little. we will see what happens.

    There is one last VERY importent issue to address. This friday (yes that is in two days) is No Pants Day and I emplore all of you to celebrate with the rest of the world.

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