
Nov 20, 2012 20:22

Treskri is heavily inspired by Greek, Roman and Celtic mythology.
Other inspirations include: Drowtales, Crusader Kings 1 & 2, Forgotten Realms, Rokugan, Game of Thrones.


The world is a vast underground of a planet. There is no known way to reach the surface and the inhabitants aren’t aware of the fact that it is underground. Therefore, they measure ‘depth’ as the distance from the planet’s core - that is, the Lower World is the furthest from the core and the coldest, while the Higher World is the closest to the core and the hottest.

Because the planet’s core fluctuates and flashes, they can measure time without using magic. Their year has 12 months and every month has 4 weeks 8 days each.

The world itself, beyond the cities inhabited by elves and other races (that is, dwarves and short folk), is very dangerous. Death is very common; however, the deities often grant resurrection or rather, reincarnation.

There are, so far, three known cities in the world.

Magic is pretty rare in the world, with clerical magic present a little more than arcane magic. Arcane magic uses crystals as foci, but both types of magic require that the caster be in the deity’s favor.

The deities have much influence over the world - they have their servants and offspring and heroes. There is a creator deity, 8 greater deities - that is why 8 is the holy number - and some lesser deities. Heroes might also eventually become deities.

Most noble houses trace their descent from one of the deities, which is their patron, and they assume the deity’s colors as their own. The colors and the coats of arms are some of the most important things in the world.

The First and the Second Era are purely legendary times; timekeeping starts in the Third Era, approximately 800 years ago.


The world runs on homebrewed mechanics, which started as an easier version of D&D. They feature stamina points and deity favor points and Action Points and point buy character creation (20 points at start) and Difficulty Checks and eight attributes - Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, Reflex, Intelligence, Willpower, Intuition and Perception.

There are seven base classes (three martial - rogue, ranger and fighter; four casters - bard, mage, druid and cleric) and everything else is rolled into advancement paths (roughly the equivalent of PrCs). Many PrCs don’t exist, though, since there is no concept of caster level.
There are no monks and no paladins, since they don’t fit the world concept.
I had an aristocrat class ready, but I can’t find it right now in the notes.

Feats and special qualities and special attacks were first rolled into a single category called ‘advantages’ and then largely reworked.


I think this suffices for the most important information. I will, of course, write more here, should someone ask for it. However, I am now focused not only on developing the world (in Polish, since it’s my mother tongue), but also on writing a story set in it (also in Polish).

That is why I am not willing to translate everything I have noted down over the course of the last year - the fact that I am starting another year at uni notwithstanding.

OOC: The reason the world is set underground is because I wanted 3-dimensional movement and changing gravity. Some of my friends made me drop the idea, saying it is unmanageable.


More info:

Story set in the world.

Here is the development history of the world.

A link to the wikidot (in Polish) detailing the world: here

A link to a Google-Translated version here

Here is more on the mechanics.

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