Many things wafting through my head these days.
It's time for a happy icon. This one and my default both from photos courtesy of
I woke up this morning freaked out, thinking that I had to teach today and that I wasn't prepared. Then I realized it was sunday.
Not too stressed about school, actually. This quarter should be similarly difficult in terms of the classes I'm taking, and easier in terms of teaching, because I'll have taught this class before. I still need to go over the whole UW course catalog and figure out what to take outside of my major.
If you didn't respond to the two questions
here I'd love to hear your answers. They've led to a lot of good conversations lately. Thanks to those who have responded already.
The Questions:
1) In what way do you see the world that others don't? Why is this interesting, insightful, unique, etc.?
2) What is the special something that you do that makes the world a better place?
Spoke to my Mom on the 31st, which was her 58th birthday. She was in a good mood. As usual, we discussed life and relationships and such. She pointed out that my brother and I, at the ages of 23 and 30, are the ages that she and my Dad were when they got married.
I told her that nearly all of my friends who got married in their early 20s are now divorced or wishing they'd lived a little more before settling down. She said she's pretty happy she did things in the order that she did.* Interesting perspective.
I'm still glad I haven't married and had kids yet.
* Recap for those who don't know the story:
In the spring of 1999 I moved to Seattle and my brother graduated from high school.
In August of 1999 my parents held a gathering at my mom's congregation. They recognized and celebrated a successful 30 year marriage, and also recognized the completing of it and the severing of their lives.
After that my dad went back to the house that his parents built in the 1930s, and where he's lived most of his life.
My mom got in her car and drove to Philadelphia, where she's in school to be a Rabbi. (My dad isn't Jewish.) Currently she's studying in Jerusalem. She's been in Israel for over a year, and will be there until school starts in Philadelphia next fall.
On the summer solstice in 2001 my dad married a woman from my mom's congregation that she set him up with. Mom is still single, but looking.
I'm still impressed.
Had occasion to drive an old pickup with manual steering last week. I got to thinking about how it wasn't difficult to adapt to, even though I was used to power steering. Got to pondering the concept of feedback.
I've decided that feedback pretty damn important for just about everything: driving, interpersonal communication and relationships, user interface, sex, cooking, teaching/learning, etc. Basically anything where a user or system interacts with unknown or non-deterministic environs.
Finally saw
Donnie Darko.
wasta and
agentcooper and Dr. J and I saw a midnight showing at the Egyptian. It was good, but slightly unsatisfying, like it had been edited too severely.
agentcooper suggested getting the DVD and listening to the commentary. I think I'd settle for seeing the cut scenes. Or maybe that wouldn't help.