The end of an era

Apr 06, 2003 20:29

Saucy and I got back tonight from a weekend-long Burning Man inspired event North of Vancouver BC on the Sunshine Coast*. It was excellent, refreshing, surprising, fun. I danced, ate, massaged, kissed, made boy-pasites, Rangered the burn, got to know a bunch of friendly Canadian and Seattleite burners, and suffered a self-inflicted cut below my right eye while breaking kindling for the burn pile.**

Saucy had a great time as well. She had fun visiting bunches of her freinds from Victoria and Vancouver. I lost track of who was who but enjoyed meeting them. Canadians are so cute. They're like us, only less corrupted by the world (in the bad way) and naughtier (in the good way).

Overall it was an incredible success. The burn went very smoothly, the music was good, and everyone seemed quite happy with it. It was a remarkably intimate event, with around 150 participants. By the end of the weekend you pretty much recognized everybody. Contrast this with Burning Man, where there are ~30,000 participants, and some of the larger camps have over 100 people.

We were up until dawn this morning, and then slept some. Now I'm totally wiped out. This is my very clever (?) stragegy for going to bed early tonight in order to get up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for work tomorrow. That's a somewhat daunting prospect. I have some fears about the whole thing, but there's nothing to do but go and see what happens.

* A masterpiece of marketing speak; It dumped rain most of the weekend, and mud was the dominant camp medium.

** I'm hoping for a cool scar.


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