
May 28, 2008 15:56

I just finished a work-related call, sitting at my desk, and looked up to see a squirrel in my living room. I'd left the back door open, as I often do when the weather is nice, and he'd come all the way in through the bathroom and kitchen.*

I looked up, walked towards him, and he grudgingly sort-of ran back out, stopping once in the kitchen to see if I was still following him. He did a bit of the high-gear-claws-on-linoleum scrabbling, which was pretty cute. I would have taken a picture, but my camera wasn't handy and he wasn't about to wait while I got it out.

Not sure how I feel about leaving the door open now. I'm just glad he ran right back out the door, instead of under the bed or something.

* Honesty, I'm surprised he made it to the living room. The good stuff is on the kitchen floor. I swept as soon as he left.


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