Mar 28, 2006 20:40
Funny how just a slight change in tone or a stroke of the caps lock can change the whole meaning of a message. There even have been times when I've had to clarify to friends that I was being most sincere instead of expressing my opinion with the sarcasm that they have grown to know and love. My father used to tell me that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit....but I think he was being sarcastic because there have been various studies that show that you must have a higher level of cognition to fully appreciate the subtleties of sarcasm...note* I'm talking about the good kind not the mean and viscious kind.
On the website stated that the researchers at the Rambam Medical Centre and University of Haifa in Israel found that people with right frontal lobe damage did not get the irony in these remarks. Also noted was Dr Shamay-Tsoory said the ability to understand sarcasm may be inborn. (Thanks Dad, now I know where I get it from)