This is kinda cool!

Oct 13, 2005 11:25

I can be in business law right now and talk talk talk! It's good for on the fly bloging, and i like that. I also like mutual assent, which has 3 parts. Offering. Acceptance, and Consideration. Fraud is a tort, and it's illegal to commit fraud. It's when you are mislead deliberately and the deciving has to involve a material fact; past, present, or future. Cars are the most obvious example of this. If the misrepresentation of issue is proven, it's fraud. If the law says something or doesn't and you again, misrepresent the law, then that does NOT count as fraud because we are assumed to know the laws. Fraud is if you roll back the odometer. Seller's talk of what an opinion of a product is, that is not fraud. Material fact is considered to be a real important issue. Intention to decive is easy to prove in a court of law. If you have element of reasonable reliance, then it is your right to make judgement, otherwise the courts will not hold up any fraud claims.

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