Fantastical day! My SVH tote bag, all the way across the pond from The US of A, has arrived. It's now sitting snugly under my desk in it's new role as my work bag. Admittedly, I had to explain to all my work friends why I had a SVH tote bag, as up til now I've been transporting my lunch and papers around in a classy hot pink T Mobile carrier bag, and when I explained I won it in a mock reader of the month competition on a snarking comm online (go,
1bruce1 ), I did get some strange looks. But it's worth it. It's like all the years of my childhood reading SV haven't been wasted away. The brain degeneration I have probably suffered, leading me to not be a world reknowned genius, has not been in vain. I have a SVH tote bag. And yes, I am proud!