Ten things you've said that you wish you hadn't.
Oh, this is just a fantastic prompt. Great. Way to be reminded of a ton of dreck I’d liketa forget, you know? Oy. Fine, fine, here goes.
1. Heh. “Yalla, lech lesahek berofe ve ahot yim hakelev shel hashchenim” and “Kama ima shelha lokahat le laila?”
Oooooooh did I ever get in trouble for those.
(Since I know several of you won’t be content until I translate for you: these are Hebrew for: ‘Go on, go play doctor and nurse with the neighbor’s dog’ and ‘So how much does your mother charge for the night?’, respectively. My dad heard me saying them. Yowtch, I think about it and I can still taste the soap and feel the belt.)
2. “Shyeah, go play in traffic, Max.” My good buddy Max and I continued to jokingly use childhood insults well into adulthood. In an example of G-d’s strange sense of humor, these would be the last words I said to Max before he got into the car accident that killed him.
3. “Sure, I can take another shift at the reference desk.” Have said this one, or variants thereof, many times. You’d think I’d learn.
4. *winces, then takes a deep breath and says reluctantly* …I quote: “Get the hell out of my sight, you lying little shit traitor.” My son did… not deserve that. Nor the plate I threw.
5. More things I’ve said to Finn than I can remember or type here.
6. A good portion of what I’ve said to my daughter Rachel recently.
7. “Flirting, hm? So what are you gonna do about it, Danny?” I’m going from memory here. I may have a few words wrong. Let’s just say that just about everything I said to Daniel Ruiz was a… a very bad idea. If you’re not already one of those who knows who Daniel was, tough, I’m not talking about him right now.
8. “Alright, you son of a bitch, let’s get this done with, I’m not getting any younger.” That was just stupid bravado. Though as far as potential last words go, it was better than “Ow, shit, ow, a broch, auuugh.”
9. “A cigarette? Sure, I’ll try one.” Should be self-explanatory.
10. “Don’t worry about your daughter. I know what I’m doing. It will be all right.” Yeah. Uh-huh. *sigh*