It was a busy day at the New York Public Library, as indeed most of them had been since the economy started to tank. Zippy scowled as she worked through a pile of books sitting on the reference desk counter, which some patron had abandoned there without so much as a 'I decided not to get these, could you put them back?' People. Bureaucracy.Library
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"...mmkay, you are literally a hop-skip-and-jump from the Ottendorfer Branch," she informed him, and gestured accordingly as she explained directions. "From your front door? Walk east-ish down 8th Street a block and a half til you hit 2nd Avenue, and boom, the Ottendorfer is right there. They have a nice German language section," she threw in apropos of nothing, and still nowhere near making the connection between Hans and this shy young man.
"Okay--" she turned the force of attention back on the call slip she'd been filling out, like it was an enemy ready to be trounced. "Here's the deal, this is how it works: either via the phone or the computer.... or in person if you don't mind waiting... you can put in requests for these titles and have any that aren't already at Ottendorfer schlepped there by the fine massive coordinated efforts of hundred of underpaid library pages. Then, bing, we notify you your books have arrived, you pick 'em up from Ottendorf, and those books are circ items so you can take 'em home, knock yourself out. Follow? Of course you're also welcome to hang out here and read in the Reading Room," she tacked on to tend of her shpiel.
"German, really? Do you know if they have kids books? I'm learning it, but I kind of suck at basic grammar." He'll just keep the books hidden from Hans. Somewhere.
"I...guess the computer would be best. I can just request what I don't read today, and that way, no one has to haul around books I've already read."
"Ah, erlernen Sie Deutsches?" she asked with a smile, more wry this time. "Yes, they should have some kids' books in Deutsch. I can't promise a huge selection of kids' titles, but there should be something. And you can always request anything from any other library be sent there."
He twisted his face up in an oh-no grimace. "Y - ja, meine mann erler- wait, no, um - unterrich...te? mich und ich habe einer bucher, aber ich bin nicht so gut."
It was the longest statement he can manage, and oh, thank God German has about the same joining words as English does. Where would he be without 'und' and 'aber'? And memorized phrases. Lovely, lovely memorized phrases. He'd feel less happy about the sentance if he knew how thick his American accent was.
He grins. "I'll definitely keep that in mind."
"Well, like anything else, you get better with practice. Fahren Sie fort zu arbeiten," she reassures the young man. She turned back to the computer and tapped a few buttons to generate a print-out of Ottendorfer's hours and location. Astor Place was indeed visible on the map, just two blocks westward.
Zippy handed this over, then held up the call slip filled with titles. "When you're getting books here, you give the title and call number to one of the service desks; they'll have the books brought up to the reading room for you. If you want to start on some of these today, I can put in the request now for you, but just so's you know for the future."
"May I have World Philosophies and the comic history, please? That should definitely be enough to keep me occupied through the day."
German boyfriend. 21 Astor Place. This was twigging something in the "born researcher" part of her brain. Takka-takka-takka and--
She flicked a glance from the screen back to Metody, peered over the tops of her glasses at him.
"...stupid question but your German boyfriend wouldn't be named Hans, would he?"
Even as she said it she was rolling her eyes internally at herself. There were no doubt how many men of German extraction in New York?
Metody looked up and smiled happily, bouncing a bit on his toes. "Yes, he is - Hans Varner. Do you guys know each other?"
"Yes," she said with a half-smile. "You could say that. He's mentioned you-- oh, shit, hold on, I can remember it--"
A grimace, Zippy squinting with one eye as she tried to recall details of a conversation some months gone. "...Theody?" she ventured, then frowned apologetically. "No, that's not right, I'm sorry, I give up."
"And you must be - " there was a fractional pause as he tried to dredge up her name and didn't come up with anything more helpful than 'Zipper something'. That almost certainly wasn't probably it. " - the lady who's helping him with his volunteering." His smile grew a little uncertain. Volunteering, penance, a kind of rough healing - something like that.
Hans had told him that she'd slapped him. But Hans deserved it, didn't he?
That little issue resolved to her satisfaction, Zippy smiled at the younger man and offered her hand across the counter. "Yes, that'd be me. Mostly I just point him at people happy to take his money and/or give him manual labor to do. Zippy Levine. It's nice to meet you."
Oh, gosh! Her name really was Zipper! He'd have to tell Frankie; she had a collection of names worse than her own. Metody shook her hand politely, his hand only slightly warmer than it ought to have been, and trembling just a little.
"We're very grateful for the help. It can be so hard to know where to start, and - it's good for him to do the work."
Apparently the good of alphabets outweighed the bad of the latter statement in her mind, since she rattled this off without any particular distaste.
Zippy cocked her head just a fraction at Metody's words of thanks; could she therefore assume Metody knew all about Hans's... condition? Particular circumstances? History? Mmm.
"Yes, well. I'm happy to help," she said, leaving it neutral for now. "What I do, nu? Guide people to the resources they need." A little laugh.
"And - thankyou for giving him an outlet for his urge to tidy things. He kind of drives me and the cats crazy at home, sometimes. Though I certainly appreciate him doing it."
She waved her hand at the continuing thanks. "Pshh, that's doing me a favor as well, I'm going to complain? Though I can only imagine how spotless your place must be, oy."
Zippy propped her elbows on the counter and her chin in both hands and regarded Metody thoughtfully. "Are you-- looking for anything... specific, with all this?" she said, a touch cautiously.
Metody ducked his head a little, his voice dropping as his eyes skittered away and darted back to her. "I was looking stuff up in myths, but I realized that there is less common ground between - between what I know and what's here than I thought. And I realized that it sure is hard to research something when you don't even know the basics. So now I am trying to learn background."
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