Five questions

Dec 08, 2008 07:42

I think I did this one some time ago, but, oh well, let's try it again.

1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I'll respond by asking you five personal questions about your character/muse so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the completely honest answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

1) What is the strangest place you've ever woken up?

Hmmm, strangest. On a rock in the middle of the Judean desert, I suppose.

2) How did you decide to get into being a librarian?

I started working for the NYPL my senior year in high school, as a page-- think very low-level intern. I've always loved books and it was a perfect student job; I enjoyed my work at the library enough that I decided to make a career of it.

3) What do you do to relax?

Read. Drink tea. Take bubble baths. Sometimes all at the same time! And sometimes I pray or meditate.

4) What do you feel about the politics in our country right now?

Well, I'm a raging bleeding-heart pinko commie liberal feminazi, so.... *cough* I'm quite happy that Obama's been elected, and following much of the current shenanigans with interest. I'm not sure I approve of everything he's doing, but I'm also aware it's impossible for him to please everybody. He's better than the alternative, that's for damn sure.

Oh, and Rahm Emanuel is gorgeous.

5) Where were you from before New York?

Well, I moved to New York when I was two, so I'm not sure the 'before' really qualifies, but, prior to that, I was in Israel, where I was born.

Peter's questions
1. Why glasses and not contacts?

I get squeamish about putting things in my eyes. I've had tons of people tell me it isn't that bad, etc etc, but my glasses work just fine and I see no reason to shove little plastic disks or whatever the hell they are onto my eyeballs and have to deal with saline solutions and losing them and all that other stuff that seems to go with.

2. How did you decide on Library Science as a course of study/career?

I think I already essentially answered this to Hans. Scroll on up.

3. What would your doctoral thesis be about, have you started it?

I have started, although it's mostly been languishing for the last decade and I probably ought to do all my research over from scratch and start anew. Roughly, the topic is the role of women in ceremony and ritual in pre-Christian societies.
Try and withhold your shock.

4. Why haven't you ever posted pictures of Rachel?

Because I refuse to post pictures of her looking like a reject from a Marilyn Manson music video and she refuses to not look like it. Plus she'd probably kvetch at me for doing so anyway.

5. Do you ever wear socks with your birks?

On days too cool for bare feet and not cool enough for the full shoes, yes.

Pippa's Questions

1. Does your ex have a gallery or a name I would recognize?

Mmm, maybe? Finn Nelsen is the name, and last I was aware he was calling his stuff The Edda Studio. He's got a gig with one of the colleges here in town, so he's active with a lot of the up-and-coming artists scene, or whatever you would call that.
I haven't really kept up with what he's been doing.

2. Do you ever find yourself translating answers in your head from one language to another before giving them?

Frequently, especially if the subject has anything to do with religion or G-d. In my home growing up, if you were talking about holy matters you did so in Hebrew-- the only time it was okay to talk in Hebrew. So that's pretty programmed into me.

3. If you are done fasting, would you care to try an amazingly good recipe for stuffed tomatoes?

I would love to.

4. Has motherhood been what you expected?

I... don't know. I think the simplest answer is just 'no', but I don't know what I did expect from it, if I expected anything. I just... it seemed like the thing to do, at the time. Have a kid. My husband and I had been having problems, and we were trying to mend them, and... he wanted a child. Very stupid in retrospect-- to have that as your reason, I mean-- but... that's life.

5. Would you ever eat a canned cheeseburger?
Violates kosher.

Jean-Paul's questions:

1. Do you believe in miracles?

I do.'s that for an answer you want elaboration on? ;)

2. I once heard that men are sexist pigs because God gave Adam the power to name things, and he got to his wife and he named her instead of like... asking her what she wanted to be called. What do you think about that?

Heh, you know, I don't think I've actually heard that one. In (some) schools of Jewish thought, Adam's a sexist pig because he wouldn't let his first wife top him during sex. Eve was technically his third wife.

3. If your daughter got a 'mom' tattoo would you be horrified or touched?

I think somewhere in the realm of completely flabbergasted. My daughter wouldn't get a "mom" tattoo. Does anybody other than, I dunno, ex-convicts or sailors actually have those?

4. Best bagels in NYC?

Ess-A-Bagel. Hands down.

5. Do you think mentally unstable people who see God or angels really maybe do?

[locked]I think science doesn't know everything. I think some of the people who see G-d or angels get diagnosed as mentally unstable. The brain is still so much a mystery, Jean-Paul, and while I'm in no way trying to suggest that everyone who has a mental disorder is actually someone with misunderstood mystical gifts, I can only speak for myself and point out that my medications interfere with my spiritual connection and awareness.[/locked]

Cait's questions

1) What are you reading currently, and how are you liking it? Or them, if you're one of those people who have more than one book going at a time.

In no particular order: The Big Necessity, Planet of Slums, Glennkill, and several of the books given to me from my wishlist.

'Big Necessity' is amusing and pretty fascinating; 'Slums' is depressing-as-hell, 'Glennkill' is-- well--
...Glennkill is in German, but the English version of the book, Three Bags Full, you might find a good read. It's a... sheep detective story. Set in Ireland. I'm not sure how better to put it than that.
And of course I'm immensely enjoying the books that were given to me.

2) What is your middle name, if you have one?

3) You now know that I love bluebells. Do you have a favourite flower?
I'm a sucker for sunflowers. Failing that, African violets, although the little bastards always die on me.

4) [locked]What, if anything, does Judaism have to say about people like me?[/locked]

[locked] Irish Catholics? Oh, we think you're all going to hell, of course.
...sorry, ha. Couldn't resist.
Bit tricky given that you have human blood in you-- er, I am right about that, aren't I? and also given that you would be hard-pressed to find any agreeing opinions on ANYTHING in Judaism beyond your basic "G-d's good, we're His chosen, everybody else hates us"... speaking strictly in terms of the qabalah, you're probably under the heading of shedim, spirits, which can include both the benevolent and the malevolent. But the shedim don't have free will, or souls.[/locked]

5) If you had to do without either tea or cigarettes for a year, which would you choose?

Oh that is rough. ....the cigarettes.

OOC: If anybody who reposts this wants to ask me OOC questions about Zippy as part of the five, feel free.


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