Jolly Dead Saint Nicholas

Apr 07, 2008 09:06

Alas, poor Santa, I knew him Horatio!  So we are sitting at IHOP Sunday morning eating our usual Sunday brunch when my oldest daughter up and asks me.  "Daddy, is the Tooth Fairy Real?"  "Great", I thought "I'm in for it now".  This conversation went very quickly down hill as we jumped from the Tooth Fairy, to the Easter Bunny, and you know who comes next don't you?   Apparently one of the kids at school found out and decided to share said information with Hailey.

So after a quick consultation with the in-laws, they agreed with us that it was "time" to reveal the "big secret".  So now I turn to my oldest and tell her that though Santa isn't real, he was a real person and his spirit lives on each time you give a gift.  (I know its not the most poetic thing you've ever seen, but hey its what my mom told me).

Shortly thereafter Hailey made an extraordinarily long trip to the bath room from which she returned red faced and sad and had to sit next to mommy.  Eventually we got her a little cheered up and she asked about how the cookies were eaten by Christmas morning.  That's when my wife points to me.  Hailey says "Daddy!" and I say "but they were good!"

So now the cat is out of the bag for our oldest.  Now the challenge is to keep it special for our youngest while still demonstrating "Santa" for our oldest.  My wife told Hailey that she still got Santa Gifts up until she and I were married and that made Hailey feel loads better.

Well, that's all for now.


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