Jan 26, 2007 08:20
One of my wife's favorite shows and possibly her favorite show hands down is Grey's Anatomy. I think it is funny an sad and generally a well written series. I do tend to think from time to time that it is a "girl show" due to the fact that there are no car chases explosions or death threats. A laser shooting robot or Kung fu master wouldn't hurt from time to time would it? But I digress…
One of the main character's had his "father" pass away from cancer on the show. It was very tragic. Anywho the last thing he said during the episode was something like "I don't know how to live in a world that my dad isn't a part of."
In July of 2005 my mother passed away unexpectedly in her early 50's. It was really a tremendous blow to my psyche. In many ways I believe that I am only now starting to climb out of the place where that event put me.
I really do believe that statement from Grey's Anatomy is true. I didn't know how to live in a world in which my mother wasn't an integral part. The easy answer of course is that in many ways mom is still part of my world. I think about her and try to live my life like she would want me to and I try to raise my kids in a way that would make her proud, and I still do talk to her (if only in my head).
But in the tangible ways the physical and emotional ways a mother cares for, talks to and communes with her son, she is not. I believe that when life throws us these unexpected events, we are forced to take a long look at ourselves. We have to change our frame of reference in fact almost redefine our life. In essence we have to learn how to live in a world without that person in it.
How do we fit in now that a major piece of what makes us who we are is gone? We adopt we digest, we recover and move to a new paradigm. I think only now I can type this without becoming a totally blubbering blubber head because I'm beginning to see how I fit into life again. I'm a brother, I'm still a son (to my Dad), I'm a nephew, I'm a husband, I'm a father, I'm a friend and I'm much more…
While I miss my mom more than words can say I do believe I can tackle life without being completely dragged own by the baggage of not knowing how I can fit in it.
Hey, it's my 2 cents….