Jun 04, 2005 20:54
Hey all. Haven't posted in... a long time. So here's an update and an announcement.
I'm currently working at a daycare. Awesome job, awesome kids, awesome work. Never thought I'd say that about anything, especially daycare... But I'm happy with it.
Sara's been working at Papa John's for a long time. Soon she'll be working at Kadlec. So that'll be cool. Maybe we'll end up getting insurance. That'd rock.
We're getting married. Saturday, October 8th at the Cathedral of Joy or the Desert or whatever its name is now. Anyone that's interested in attending should call, cuz we don't have the internet. 947-8119. Don't be shy. You know you wanna come.
Anyhow, this journal has been inactive enough that I don't expect many people to read it, so please spread the wedding news. Anyone that doesn't cause problems is welcome -- no drinking, smokeing, etc at the church. The service should only be an hour long, and there's a 2 hour reception afterward. The exact time has yet to be decided -- expect it to be late morning (10-12 AM ).
I guess that's about it.