Feb 13, 2005 13:54
what's worse than looking at photos?
photos are the bane of a happy existence. the moment you look at them, flush, the memories of good times flush through your head. instant megawatt smiles light up across your face, but only for one second. then the nostalgia seeps in, inevitably, and you let a loud sigh out-but only silently in your heart-because you contemplate living those moments again; what would you have done different? how would you live it all again? actually living those moments again, the exact way that you've already done so, is probably good enough. but don't take me too seriously, and i shouldn't take myself too seriously!
haha. looking at prom pictures, honours night pictures, pictures taken in the last day of school-sighwowhooraywhoopee! i just chanced upon this picture of myself-decked out in acjc uniform-in the north lodge, smiling like a cockster, with angela in the background giving the camera a guai lan frown. it was chem lesson, i remember, because i have photos with joses's small forehead too.. it was joses's solo superstar debut that day.. i also remember going to supercuts with martin after that to cut my hair haha.. oh well good memories (:
but what was worse than looking at photos was going back to school on friday. i miss school! j1s in their secondary school uniforms; the netball girls playing touch rugby on the field (haha); the void deck bustling with life; the teachers who are ever so friendly to us j3s who've disappeared from their daily lives (maybe that's the reason why they're so friendly); the void deck the void deck the void deck; the acjc uniform!!! still, when i saw my amazingly smart cousin mugging for terms in the void deck i cringed at the prospect of repeating a levels again... but for a short while only la haha. i guess the stress of a levels makes the whole experience different...
ac idol was not too bad. very impressed with the 29th student council with everything they've done.. so much sponsorship! the bands sucked of course... haha kidding. it wasn't really about ac idol in the end i guess. it was just fun going back to school and seeing all the familiar faces. i want to be a relief teacher (in acjc of course)!