C-4 Singing call "Only You"

Dec 10, 2018 10:37

WORK SWING CHAIN: 4 LADIES CENTER, TEACUP LIKE A DAISY only you, can make this change in me for it's true - you are my destiny when you hold my hand i understand the magic that you do - you're my dream come true my one and only you only you can make the darkness bright when you're thru, let's have those HEADS STEP RIGHT MYSTIC TOUCH 1/4 and, EXPAND THE COLUMN then TAG BACK AND DODGE -- you're the one that i, TAKE 2 a FUNNY GOOD SHOW TWICE and FLARE THE STAR only you, can MIRROR HOT FOOT SPIN only you, can TRADE YOUR NEIGHBOR IN PICK AND CHOOSE: WITH FINESSE AND CENTRAL STRUT RIGHT (INTO THAT SPACE) - with a CRAZY SWITCH my one and only you. only you, DIVIDE THE OCEAN RIGHT then SPLASH IN, and CROSS FLIP -ER'S DELIGHT you're the one that i sing lyrics to, CROSS FLIP BACK AND DODGE - you're the one that i, TAKE 4 a STROLL DOWN THE LANE -- and then CHANGE LANES only you, 1/4 CHAIN AND CIRCULATE IN only you, 1/2 TAG AND TRIXIE SPIN in this chaos, you're AN ANCHOR, EVERYBODY ROLL, CENTERS 3 SQUARE 2 AND 1, THE 2'S RUN RIGHT AND ROLL, and LINES (DIXIE SASHAY) THRU, INTERLOCKED FLIP THE DIAMOND AND ROLL, SASHAY THRU, THE K and RUN AWAY CENTERS CROSS SASHAY, THE PULLEY BUT go 4 STEPS AT A TIME and you'll PASS THE TOP and then, WORK ONCE-REMOVED: and CATCH TOP 2 only you, can 2-FACED HOT FOOT SPIN only you, 1/4 CHAIN AND CIRCULATE IN when you're there, you'll ACEY DEUCEY and PROMENADE BACK HOME you're my dream come true, my one and only you LEFT ALLEMANDE and SWING, you're my dream come true, my one and only you! *** A few comments: Swing Chain Teacup Like a Daisy replaces 3/4 stars with 1/4 stars, so each star is either 1/4 or 5/4. The double arm turns are not required, because it is being danced symmetrically so no one is using up time waiting for the three stars in a row. The pattern, for those who don't want to figure it out on their own, is Star R 1/4, L turn r-h man, R turn partner, L turn r-h man(="back"), R turn partner, Star L 5/4, R turn corner, Star L 1/4(="back", but star would have been 3/4 so it becomes 1/4), R turn opposite man, Star L 5/4, R turn r-h man, L to partner for courtesy turn. so: Star 1/4 to rh; pt, rh, pt; stars: 5, 1, 5; courtesy turn Some of the timing is a little fast: Flare the Star; Pass the Top and Once-Removed Catch Top 2 (certainly not enough time to work twosome; stretch it at each end instead). Central Strut Right may be bogus: you must use the definition "pass thru, right loop zero (i.e., flip right), extend" with the "into that space" modifier creating a normal tidal 3&1 line. Heads Step Right (short for Heads Step Right to a Line of 4) is a call used commonly by some callers, but some dancers may never have heard of it. Funny Good Show Twice is gratuitously hard to figure out on the fly, and there is no "think time" allotted. Crazy Switch has no "flub time" allotted. After the 3 Square 2 And 1, I believe the 2's who are running are the sides, but I'm not sure; in any event, the others are of course t-boned to them and probably can't see who is to run. The proximity of similar calls like Sashay Thru and Cross Sashay is purely intentional; any resemblance to real choreography or real callers is coincidental.
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