Friends Only Journal

Sep 12, 2001 02:01

This Journal isn't intended for public viewing, and as such, is Friends only.

That is no way intended as a Brush-off, it's just my Cone of Silence. If you aren't on the list, then you're not meant to see what's written here. Simple eh?

If curiosity gets the better of you, and you must know more, reciprocation is the key.

That means, you add me first, and add a comment here. Should I find you intriguing enough, I'll add you.
If not, I'll simply ask to be removed from your friends list. No harm done.

Due to Journal hi-jacking, group-spamming and other malicious means of annoyance, my attempt to respond to these requests may be a little less than immediate. Please recognize I do NOT live online, and if you seek a Journal bursting with meaningless drivel for entries, I recommend you try a sewing circle, or a book club. Or one of the 50 billion reality TV based fandom/slash/squee communities.

If I have neglected my friends list, and you would like to be re-friended (I can't keep track of who comes and goes these days) simply place a comment with the name I know you by (and trust me you would know that name too) and I'll attend to your request very promptly indeed.