Maybe I Don't Wanna Know the Reason Why...

Sep 20, 2004 22:15

...But lately you don't talk to me.

Ok, losa catching up to do -- Little time. So you get the Reader's Digest version. Ha. Angie left Friday night .:Does happy dance:. But there's no telling how long she'll be gone. Spent the weekend moving into Dad's new house. Saturday I went to Magan's house at 2 til like 8:30 =D It was for her birfday tomorrow. Courtney was there. It was cool. We watched the first 2 Exorcist movies. I spyed on them outside her window! Waha, that was cool. And there was a cake cookie.

Today was Pajama Day at school. I wore me Earnhardt pj's, and most people seemed to like them. I also had the bear I got right after my uncle Ray died, and he was in jammies too. Peoples tried to take him from me. Arg. And Courtney stole his innocence. Shame on her. Spirit Show tonight to take pitchas for the yearbook. It was cool. How do you Mash Potatoes? .:Shakes nonexsistant rear:. Noah kicked tukas! So did most some of the others lol. It was a pretty good show, all in all. My phone number changed again! This is the last time, I swear! 691-5682 Not that any of you call me, but yeah. Just so ya know.

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