My dog & cat are best friends.
It's really cute. Loki is a 4 year pure bred Staffordshire Bullterrier. Kiara is a stray cat that I found from my old work (Childcare Centre)She was hanging around for food. She was cute so I begged and pleaded with my parents to let me bring her home.. that was 2 years ago now.
Kiara is such a little cat, but Loki had grown up in our house with cats, so he was used to them and their attitudes. (Cats have alot of attitude if you never knew)
Here is a cutesy photo of them sitting on Loki's bed outside. They sleep on the same bed together when outdoors. When indoors there is this blanket on our lounge room floor that they share also.
Oh! Did I mention that Kiara cleans/grooms the dog? Yeah.. it's sad. The dog is supposed to be tough.. but he's not!! haha.. and they play fight.
Kiara is also cheeky.. she lures cats into the backyard so Loki can chase them out! He's territorial at least ;)
My animals are odd but cute. I guess they get the oddness from us though! Haha... Loki even talks back. He has to have the last say!! :)