That end of year fic-thingy

Dec 30, 2011 11:27

Because apparently I wrote stuff this year. A lot of stuff...

Snapshots of a Life Unlived (1185 words) Fringe, Gen. Olivia comes back from the Other Side, but is still sorting through which memories are hers.

Though Never So Rough and Grim (893 words) Gen. Jack O’Neill’s last off-world trip with SG1.

Bleeding Daylight (4950 words) Fringe, Mature. Crossover with The Dark Tower series. Olivia and Peter escape the Other Side and make a pit stop in Mid World.

A Still in the Street (1438 words) Fringe, PG, Olivia/Peter. Somewhere in the post-6B world, there’s fallout from all that bodysnatching.

The Juno Dichotomy (1226 words) Fringe, Gen. Character study and contrast between Blue!Olivia and Red!Olivia on finding something missing and one’s place in the world.

The Package Deal (2543 words) Fringe, PG, Olivia/Peter, 6B morning-after (yeah, because *that’s* and original subject in this fandom), wherein Olivia discovers she can’t have one Bishop without the other and decides she can live with that just fine.

In Thirds (1103 words) Fringe, Gen, Alt!Livia/Lincoln/Charlie. Charlie muses on the nature of their partnership after the whole bug fiasco.

Devil in the Details (1930 words) Fringe, PG, Olivia/Peter. Olivia proves that she’s not like her counterpart. Or,Olivia, Peter, and a trip to the lingerie store.

The Long Kiss Goodnight (1760 words) Fringe, PG. Alt!Charlie/Sonia Francis. Charlie feels guilty that his side murdered this version of Charlie Francis and tries to give his wife a chance to say goodbye.

Volatility (1846 words) Fringe, M, Olivia/Peter. The kinkmeme prompter wanted sex at a crime scene. This is what they got.

Objets Perdus (2062 words) Fringe, PG. What if Walternate had secretly brought baby Henry over at the end of their world? Years, and a clerical error later, Ella gets a call to pick up yet another family member from the hospital.

Trust is a Two-Way Street (728 words) Fringe, M (shades of dubious consent all around), Olivia/Peter. The prompted wanted aliens/bad guys made them do it. This is that, with a twist.

A Death So Full and Man So Small (5278 words) Fringe, PG, Olivia/Peter (and Astrid saves the day). Peter rewrote time for her and got lost along the way. Three possible outcomes and how they were averted. (why can I not write summaries like this *when* I’m posting?)

Olivia...In the Bathroom...With a Razor (839 words) Fringe, PG, Olivia/Peter, late series. A trip down memory lane makes them late for dinner.

Dance With the One Who Brung You (1866 words) Fringe, Explicit, Red!Olivia/Blue!Lincoln. Olivia can’t help making comparisons, or how Walter’s experiments with air quality lead to sex.

Mothman - An Addendum (1499 words) Fringe, PG, Blue!Olivia/Red!Lincoln. A tag to
monanotlisa’s Put Your Quarter Down on Me about a creature hunt.

Stoichiometry (12096 words) Fringe, PG, Red!Olivia, Charlie, Lincoln. Taking place Over There, a completely speculative attempt at writing serially while attempting to predict where the show’s writers were taking us with the Red!verse, started pre-Entrada and completed pre-Immortality. Lessons learned - writing serial-style makes for wandering plot, and this show will always joss you, no matter how smart you think you are. I am amused at how close some of my predictions were, while others were entirely, wildly wrong. Included here for completeness.

Mistletoe (899 words) Fringe (really, what else is there?) PG, Olivia/Peter, Olivia/Astrid. Walter has machinations and Astrid throws a monkey wrench into his plans. Oh, and it’s Christmas.

A Slip in Times Saves Nine (3775 words) Fringe, Mature, Amberverse Olivia/Peter/Lincoln. Fringe Secret Santa offering where Olivia’s precognitive abilities offer up a whole new world of possibilities.

(~47900 words total)

2010’s review

Goals for 2011? Last year I said I wanted to be more fearless in what I wrote and I think I've met that, to a degree. Anon posting to the Fringe kinkeme has gone a long way towards that because there’s that safety net of not having to own up to the fic if it bombs. (which I am so bad at - I can’t keep a fic secret, and even if I could, I think my style has become recognizable enough that it gives me away anyhow.)

Favorite story this year:Bleeding Daylight, because it was so liberating to write something in a new fandom without any expectations, be completely unknown, and just let the words fly.

Best story this year: The Package Deal. Totally plotless, but it has layers, I think, and I’m happy with the characterization.

Story most under-appreciated, in my opinion: Honestly, Fringe fandom is so small that I’m happy with any feedback any story gets. And while this fandom may be small, it definitely does show its appreciation. I really can’t complain.

Most fun story:Mistletoe - Written totally off the cuff at the last minute, but oh so fun to play on the lighter side once in a while.

Sexiest story:Either Dance With the One Who Brung You (explicit) or Olivia...In the Bathroom...With a Razor (porn!fail). Either way, I’m never going to be welcomed back into the gen camp without suspicion again.

Hardest to write: A Slip in Times Saves Nine because while I apparently have no problem with smut, I’m completely unable to write it without some sort of justification or semblance of a plot attached, even if it’s what the requester asks for. This one really forced me to push my boundaries because while I’m pretty comfortable with the Olivia we saw in the first three seasons, this amber!verse version is a lot more of a challenge.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2010? I’ve given up predicting. Bring it on. *g*

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you predicted?: More. Way more. As in almost 10 000 words more than last year. But I think that’s part of the subtle shift from being intimidated by words to becoming comfortable with them so I can move on to being intimidated by the depth of the words. That, and giving the middle finger to writer’s block. (I can out-stubborn anything!)

Did you take any writing risks this year? Yes, all the time. I’ve actually enjoyed straying from ‘safe’ characters with a whole fandom canon attached them to more complex ones where I could make it up as I went along and really sell my version of them.

Do you have any goals for the New Year? Write and enjoy doing it. Write for myself and hope people will be interested enough to follow where I’m going. Push my personal comfort boundaries because that’s when interesting things happen.

Also posted at DW, where
people have commented. Comments welcome here or there.

writing, 2011, fic

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