Took this photo this morning:
(April 5th/2013)
(April 3rd/2012)
Something seems wrong here, no?
ION, because all the people listing it in their "what I'm watching on TV posts" lately, I caught up with The Americans, and while I don't quite feel fannish about it (it's one of those shows where I get the feeling that I'm watching a different show than everyone else even though it's the same time slot and channel - different experiences and upbringing = different set of viewing glasses), I do find it very intriguing and actually one of the few shows that manages to keep my undivided attention for the full hour as it subtly contrasts things like cold-war era American vs Russian upbringings and culture and women's roles and expectations in that era. I might have more to say on it some other time, but for now, it's hitting a lot of my character-focused storytelling buttons. Also, I can't help wondering where the heck they found so many early-80s cars in such mint condition...
Also tried Lost Girl, but it didn't stick. Sad for me. I never can get hooked on shows that are drive by supernatural/mythology/fantasy-type plotlines. I missed out on the whole Buffy experience too. Just not my wiring.
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