I'm supposed to be working on my yearly employee eval. This is more fun.
Number of finished pieces: 14
Word Count: 40418
Last Turnoff Before Ascension (BSG - 955 words) A Canadian Shack fic about resurrection, and possibly the danger in drinking found liquor
das Über-Ich (Fringe - 1026 words) What's running through Walter's mind during a key moment in Brave New World.
Four Days and Change (Fringe - 1033 words) Not originally intended as a prequel to das Über-Ich, but it worked out that way, from Olivia's point of view.
Mnemonic Breadcrumbs (Fringe - 578 words) Walter might talk about things like scent triggering memory association, but Olivia's got a few tricks of her own.
Giving All My Secrets Away (Fringe - 2407 words) Kinkmeme fill for the prompt "Peter wants to know what Olivia dreams about"
Drown Out the Crowd (Fringe - 3774 words) 'nother kinkmeme fill, this time about mind reading, whisky, and white dress shirts.
Looking Glass (Fringe - 598 words) A little tag to
Flooded All the Streams, which she then went and
podficced! (eeee! \o/) - Olivia remembers a certain piece of tech that will let them see the Other Side again.
A Garden Planted (BSG - 14293 words) An AU of season 4.5, where Kara contemplates her mortality, and Lee worries about doing the right thing. Doesn't sound that much different than canon.
Home, Wherever You Find Yourself (SG-1 - 1728 words) Timestamp to that series about Sam and Jack being stranded off-world
A Better Plan (SG-1 - 342 words) Timestamp to a very old S/J piece
Stay With the One Who Wants You (Fringe - 542 words) Timestamp to
Dance with the one who Brung YouA Seed Sprouted (BSG - 649 words) Timestamp fill to A Garden Planted. (there's a theme here, didja catch it? *g*)
The hours grow shorter as the days go by (Fringe - 928 words) Timestamp to
Bleeding DaylightPlus, a certain to-be revealed (if you haven't already figured it out first) story written for this year's
fringe_exchange (Fringe - 11565 words)
Goals for 2012? I said that I wanted to write for myself more this year and I think I accomplished that with A Garden Planted and das Über-Ich in particular. Both of these really surprised me, the first because a simple 5-Things somehow managed to turn itself into an entire alternate version of canon. The second, I never expected to take such a dark slant.
Favorite Story I don't have a favorite story this year, but I have bits and pieces here and there that I like best.
Best Story From a technical standpoint, I think the
fringe_exchange piece is probably the best. There's a few weak spots that could have used more polish, but given the deadline, and the fact that I shelved the first piece I'd been working on about 3500 words in and wrote this one, I'm pleased with the way the plot came together.
Most Underappreciated Hard to say. Fringe fandom has always been an incredibly supportive fandom, and the couple of forays into the BSG'verse this year were very surprising considering that it's a closed canon with so many feelings still attached to it.
Most Fun Story Drown Out the Crowd - Not sure if this is exactly a fun story to read, but I did enjoy writing it because once I started, the whole thing just seemed to flow, right up until the smut. *facepalm*
Sexiest Giving All My Secrets Away, hands down. Dramatic tension FTW.
Hardest to write All of the timestamps. I went through a period of work being too mentally and physically taxing this fall to have room for anything else. So what better way to fix that than taking on a meme, right? Not so much. I still have one fill outstanding that I'm trying to figure out where to go with it.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2012? BSG. Where the heck did that comes from? Probably being disappointed by season 4.5 by the third rewatch (what's the definition of 'insanity'? Repeating the same action over and expecting different results...the series ending is still a cheat, no matter how many times I watch it)
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you predicted? Eh... I actually don't realize how much I write in a year until I do one of these lists.
Did you take any writing risks this year? I wrote a lot of babyfic, technically. Some canon, some not. There's such a stigma attached to babyfic, but it's really no different than any other kink or fetish that gets celebrated on kinkmemes; babies just have a more socially acceptable public veneer. The stereotypes remain. Countering those are what interest me.
Do you have any goals for the New Year? Writing for myself fist has been working out pretty well. Gonna have to stick with that for now.