it's all about the memes this week, apparently

Aug 28, 2012 15:20

So it seems my writing brain needs far too much in the way of backstory to be able to write only three sentences, so...

Give me one of my own stories, and a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of the story, or sometime in the past before the story started, and I'll write you at least a hundred words of what happened then, whether it's ( Read more... )

meme, write/rec challenge

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ziparumpazoo August 29 2012, 17:43:42 UTC
Home, Wherever You Find Yourself, 1/3

"Oh, I don't know." He planted a soft kiss on her ear. "Ive got much more interesting things to distract me this time around."

"Such as?" she prompted. Though her tone was playful, Jack thought there might still be something on her mind. She seemed to be avoiding going back inside.

He played along. "Well, this farming thing seems to be a good way to pass the time. I've always been an early riser," he said and felt her shake her head. He could imagine her rolling her eyes at him in the dark. "Folks here seem nice. The life is quiet. A guy could get used to this way of living."

Sam tilted her head so she could see him. "You're only realizing this now?"

"Nah, I think I was in love the moment I stepped through the gate." And he had been, though it hadn't been with this planet.

"So you could see yourself spending the next few years here, maybe?" she asked, still tentative. Jack felt his guts tighten. He'd thought she'd settled in and was content here with him. Had he missed something?

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again if it needs saying - Sam, I don't care if we live in a hut on a beach, or cave in the mountains... though I would prefer to have at least a few amenities. I'm happy wherever you're happy." He slipped his hand over hers and tapped a finger on the ring she wore when she wasn't working in the shop or the garden.

"Okay," she said with finality, but Jack felt like she was appeasing him.

"Sam," he said, "what's going on?"

She shrugged.

"Don't say 'nothing', because you wouldn't be out here if it was nothing," he said.

She twisted her hand in his, until hers was on top, and touched her own finger against his ring. "You're really happy here?" she asked with more than a hint of uncertainty in her voice.


ziparumpazoo August 29 2012, 17:44:29 UTC
Home, Wherever You Find Yourself, 3/3

"Really," he said. He didn't know how much more convincing he could be.

She took the hand she was holding and brought it to rest low on her stomach. "How do you feel about coming out of retirement to take up carpentry?" she asked. "Because I think this place might get a little more crowded."

"I think I could be convinced to give it a try." He kissed her again and felt the tension ease from her shoulders. "I was wondering when you were going to say something."

She turned around so quickly that he almost stumbled. "You knew?"

"I suspected," he answered. He'd actually figured it out a while ago, but since Sam hadn't said anything, he'd taken the 'wait and see' approach. It had been a long while since they'd last talked about settling in here, but those discussions had centered on not putting down stakes that they couldn't pull up at a moment's notice. She took a step back towards the cottage, but Jack caught her by the hand before she, and this conversation, could slip away.

She did stop, but her eyes remained firmly fixed on the ground beside his boot. "How?" Jack barely heard her above the sound of the ocean. "I wasn't even sure myself until last week."

Jack pulled her in towards him so they were face to face in the dark, shutting out the wind and the waves and the noise from the cottage, until all that was between them was the sound of their breathing. He understood being nervous, but it had been a long time since they'd been cut loose and sent on the run. Jack figured they deserved to finally put down those roots they'd been avoiding. This might have been unplanned, but it was not entirely unexpected, given the culture they'd made their own. It might even be the push they needed so they'd stop thinking of the stargate as a tool for invasion and defense, and start thinking of it as just another means of transportation, like the rest of the people in this galaxy did.

"Sam," he said in a low voice, "I have been covering your ass for how many years? I know how you walk when you're pissed that I ordered you and Daniel to pack away your toys and double-time it back to the gate. I know how you limp a bit on the left side when you're tired since the thing at the alpha site and you don't want to stop for a break because you don't like when you need to ask for help." Jack heard her suck in a breath, but didn't let her interrupt. "I know how you practically bounce when we'd get to a new planet and your scans ping something new and exciting. I have been watching you walk for a long, long time now. I can tell when something's different."

She leaned her forehead against his chest and Jack could feel her shoulders shake under his hands. "Hey," he said, feeling like the biggest ass. He hadn't meant to make her cry. He'd forgotten that this was completely new territory for her. He put a finger under her chin and tilted it so he could see her face, only to realize that she'd been laughing.

Sam quirked an eyebrow up at him. "So you're saying that I waddle now?"

"Not yet," he leaned in, "but you will." He touched his lips to hers. She reached up to slide a hand around his neck and deepened the kiss.

Behind them, the cottage door opened and Harlow bellowed, "There you two are, making out like the newly betrothed, while in here, the wine runs low."

He felt Sam smile against his mouth, and as much as he'd love to stay out here and kiss her under the stars, they did have company. "Just following your constant advice, Harlow," Jack shouted over his shoulder.

He turned back to Sam and took her hand again. "You will, and I'm going to love watching that too."

With that, he leaned down and kissed her quickly one more time, before pulling her back towards their cottage filled with family and friends.


supplyship August 29 2012, 21:47:44 UTC
I was going to ask for a Cottage AU story too! :D

This is lovely - a little "happily ever after" even if things are changing all over again. Jack would totally know that Sam was pregnant even before she knew!


ziparumpazoo August 30 2012, 00:06:22 UTC
Thank you :)
You can still leave requests! I can't promise I'll be quick about filling them, but it's a heck of a lot easier than the others meme because I know the backstory. :)

Totally unrelated - our local hicksville liquor store sells Rainier beer. I have no idea how they're importing it because I haven't seen it anywhere else, but I think of you every time I see it. Also, they have a cat named Charlie who works there. Presumably for the mice, but he sits in front of the door and greets everyone.


a_loquita August 29 2012, 22:15:20 UTC
YAY! YAY! YAY! Oh, I just love this. I feel like it helps complete it, showing the commitment to putting down roots in this way. Plus it's soooo Jack to notice but not say anything and wait for her to be ready to tell him! Hee.

(But more importantly, why have you been hiding this from us???)


ziparumpazoo August 30 2012, 00:10:47 UTC
Er, well, I wrote this *ages* ago, but didn't post it because, well, babyfict, right? And then I forgot about it until you left the prompt and dug it up because I frankly don't care what fandom has to say about babyfic any more.

But, I am so glad you like it because it kind if comes full circle back to their first conversation in the first story and I like to give the illusion that I'm clever that way ;p

Edited because autocorrect. Need I say more?


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