Apparently I'm not as badass as I thought I was

May 29, 2012 14:39

So I wondered who exactly I'd ticked off this morning to get notification that one of my older stories had been deleted from (yeah, I know, I know...AO3- been there, done that, volunteered the hours):

Main reason for removal: Title/Summary not Fiction G rated and not suitable for all audience. The above story has been removed because it violated the guideline detailed on the upload page.

...meanwhile, much more M rated content had been left alone. The story in question has been up, without complaint for nearly four years. Curious, no? Apparently not, since I've since seen reports here, here, and here, as well as a (sarcasm) helpful explanation of the issues here (/sarcasm). Seems like the site admins have started bot-crawling summaries and wholesale deleting stories whose summaries contain offensive words. It's not personal; apparently 'bitch' is offensive.

What *is* offensive is their lack of warning (either via email, or on the main site page) or avenue for response and/or remediation.

Also posted at DW, where
people have commented. Comments welcome here or there.

writing, for your information

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