My dog has
wings. That's new.
Well. At least everyone else seems to be dressed weird.
Hey Castor, do you think you'd be able to take Boy out tonight. I'm not really feeling it.
[ooc: Aki got dressed up in this
fabulous outfit. Otherwise known as Berserker Paine from FF X-2. He can even use his own hair!]
Fuck no. You take her out. Looks like you should be out on a street corner anyway.
I'm not going to do it! Shut up, you're the one with the skirt on.
I took her out last night. And you got a bra showing, fuck you.
Yeah but I didn't have this on last night. You're the one in a belly shirt. At least I'm covered.
Just wait til it's dark. Yeah you're covered in a fucking catsuit, don't forget that part.
Yeah, you wait until its dark and you take her out. Yeah well. Shut up.
Or I kick your ass and you take her out. Get to it, bra-boy.
What, you'll break my shoulder again? I'd like to see you do it in a skirt.
Bet I could.
It wouldn't be a fair fight, with you dressed like that. I don't hit girls. [Someone forgot how they're dressed.]
[There's a jagged line like the pencil lead snapped as he slammed it into the journal and tossed it aside. Someone is going to be beaten with a large traffic sign.]
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