awkward day is awkward

Apr 27, 2011 21:10

Today was the most awkward day ever.

So first I forget to put on deodorant this morning.  Bad enough right?  But then I have this work party thing to go to.  So I show up, and then I realize this dress I decided to wear, with a really low-cut back (and I mean REALLY low) was probably not a good idea.  So I'm standing there, trying not to feel totally naked in front of EVERYONE that I work with, when all of a sudden my boss shows up out of nowhere and before I can say two words I'm dancing with him.  And I have to admit, the guy's hot, so that was super uncomfortable.  And then he pulls me off to the side to talk, and I'm obviously a little nervous, so after a minute he offers to get me a drink to calm me down.  But then the bastard DITCHES me!  He's such an asshole.

Most awkward. day. ever.

fun stuff

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