The bar is open! Also have an exploring doctor! Both open!

Nov 20, 2009 00:46

Vila was running the bar tonight and things were off to a good start as far as nights go. It wasn't overly busy Vila had time to chat it up with customers and summarily ended up downing a few himself. Vila relished this place, his job, HELL he even liked Rimmer who wasn't the easiest person to get along with, not that Vila would tell the man he liked him. It seemed to Vila that whenever he told someone he depended on them they went crazy on him immediately after or died...which ever came first.


Silken Floss was in the process of exploring the ship more thoroughly. She wanted to get a better look at everything that was so deeply alien to her. She also would of liked to find something that had brought them here, however she was having no luck with anything like that. But for now she was satiating her curiosity by taking a glance at the maps from a computer console and deciding where she could go next.

[canon] vila restal, [post] entry post, [canon] gary seven, [oc] varsh, [canon] kerr avon, [canon] silken floss

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