Strange New Place [Tag Vila]

Aug 26, 2009 18:18

Dayna was surprised when she opened her eyes. It didn't matter what she saw, opening her eyes, realizing that she was alive was surprise enough. It should have been impossible. She could still feel the heat in her stomach from the rifle blast ( Read more... )

[canon] vila restal, [post] entry post, [canon] dayna mellanby

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allergictofear August 27 2009, 05:32:03 UTC
It was the end.

Darkness had engulfed his vision and he could feel the life flitting out of his body. It was the end and what had he really done with it when he had it? Steal, eat, drink, drink, drink, be merry? Not such a bad life. Could of used more drink.

But as the silence passed into echoed footsteps, the kind you found on a station, people walking past you has you lay in a drunken coma on the floor kind sound, Vila couldn't help but squeeze an eye open.

The eye opened all the way as he heard the familiar female voice.

"Dayna? Is it over? Does haven have booze?" He looked around with his eye that was open and then opened the other. "This doesn't look like heaven..."


mellanby August 27 2009, 05:39:13 UTC
"No, Vila. It's not," she informed him dryly, though masking marked relief at seeing him open his eyes. "Though it it were, the others seemed to have gotten detoured."

She hooked her arm under his, tugging so that he would rise to his feet. Her other hand patted down his chest and stomach, probably a more intimate gesture than she intended, but not meant more than to verify that her friend didn't have any lingering wounds.

Which, one could suppose, was something of a gesture of affection in itself.


allergictofear August 27 2009, 05:59:47 UTC
Vila let himself be hauled up, his spine creaking a bit and oofed as he stood rubbing at it.

"Where are we?" It didn't look like a Federation ship. Not any he had seen any way. He stood stalk still as she patted him down, wondering what she was doing for a moment.

"Everything in it's place?" He questioned, looking down his shirt front and then back up at her.


mellanby August 27 2009, 06:12:21 UTC
"Yes, and mine as well..." she assured him, as while she could apparently man-handle him all she wanted, if his hands were to roam on her she might be inclined to break his arm.

She let go slowly, turning in place as she looked around. It was clean, yes, but it wasn't Federation clean. It was bright. The air didn't have that chemical tang that many Federation vessels had...

And there were no troopers walking about. Not a single one, in the entire mess that was gathered around them.


allergictofear August 27 2009, 08:38:48 UTC
Oh Vila knew better then to root around in Dayna's goody basket, he kept his hands to himself, though he was fidgety at the moment, unsure of where and why they were here, wherever here was.

"You think they pulled us out before we...?" He questioned, knowing it couldn't possibly be. Because if it was true, where were the others.


mellanby August 27 2009, 08:42:12 UTC
"Someone has some impressive teleport technology, that's what I can gather..." she muttered, before trying to stop someone. "Excuse me-"

The person shot her a vaguely irritated look, before hurrying on his way. "Rude..." she said under her breath, before reaching to try and get the attention of a mother who only shook her head at her before she continued on her way.

"That's odd. But they don't look drugged..."


allergictofear August 27 2009, 09:05:14 UTC
"Nothing being pumped into the air ducts, that's for sure." Vila wrinkled his nose at the passing people, they didn't even look at them. Didn't seem to care.

"Not a friendly lot, are they?" Vila made a rude gesture. No one even flinched. "Weird..."


mellanby August 27 2009, 22:05:03 UTC
"That is bizarre... There's a computer panel over here. C'mon," she said. Vila once again finding it his misfortune to be bossed around. However, Dayna had no intention to let him stray away from her. Not in this strange place, though she was sure he would eventually smell booze from somewhere (if it existed here) and would go in search of it like a bloodhound.

She looked over the screen. "Where are the buttons?" But with a tap, the images on the screen moved, and she nearly yelped when she stepped back.


allergictofear August 28 2009, 02:10:26 UTC
Vila followed her, he didn't seem to mind someone leading him around, it came naturally. At least with Dayna he had no fear of being tossed out an air lock. He took a glance around as they walked, sniffing the air idly, feeling parched.

"Hope they have...WHAT.." He blinked as the images moved on the screen with a touch of Dayna's fingers. He stretched out a hand to fiddle with the screen as well. "Now that's bizarre."


mellanby August 28 2009, 02:28:08 UTC
"I have no idea..." she admitted, at first holding her hands back as if she'd been shocked. She gave the screen a confused look, and then reached to graze her hands over the bright symbols again.

"We're on a space station, that much is clear. Where is bloody Avon when you need him..." she scowled. If there was one thing their now deranged leader could do with efficiency, it was figure out the mechanics of systems like these.

Or blow it up. Perhaps it was for the best he wasn't there.


allergictofear August 28 2009, 03:28:34 UTC
Vila enjoyed pressing at the odd buttons, wondering what each thing did, though nothing happened but flashes across the screen.

"If Avon were here it would be torn apart already and rebuilt to something he could stand." But the colors were pretty. They must of not been doing anything wrong, since no one was stopping them. No one had even asked they why they were here suddenly.

"Either we're ghosts or everyone here is on auto pilot. Think their robots or something?"


mellanby August 28 2009, 03:37:50 UTC
"Shoo. Stop that," he scolded and swatted at his intruding hand. "Oh! Look, you found a list... Apparently we were expected..."

She looked over at the people. "If they were robots it would be all the more reason for him to-" she stopped short of making a vulgar insinuation. Both because Vila didn't need to hear about it, and because she wasn't entirely sure where Avon was at the moment. Something that perplexed her greatly.


allergictofear August 28 2009, 03:42:55 UTC
Vila backed his hands off, not wishing to incite Dayna's wrath at the moment, not enough alcohol in his system for her.

"List? What kind of list?" He looked over her shoulder, blinking. "Does it give any reasons? Is this a prison ship?" Vila got paranoid very quickly.


mellanby August 28 2009, 04:17:14 UTC
"We have quarters. I don't know, though. Let's go investigate and see if there are shuttlecraft that we can borrow."

"Borrow" falling under Vila's definition of the word, and Avon's as well. Not under her father's, who had a good natured view of the universe. At least this time she waited for Vila to show some willingness to go with her. She wasn't all that certain about the venture herself without interested company."


allergictofear August 28 2009, 07:16:44 UTC
"Quarters? Just how long are we meant to stay here? Mind you I don't care much, looks safer then the plaxce we were and I'm grateful for the save but, who exactly brought us here and why?" Vila was highly suspicious of anything that came for free, now especially.

One becomes paranoid after your organs are nearly stolen.


mellanby August 28 2009, 07:39:08 UTC
"Not permanently, I hope," she observed, crossing her arms and heading along the walkway. Slowly, too, both for the opportunity for Vila to keep up and to glance into busy restaurants.

"They surely couldn't expect us to stay here any length of time..."


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