Musical Inclination [OTA]

Sep 30, 2009 22:44

Data had spent a few days in the TARDIS going over the library and practicing in the music room, and he had picked it up quickly... somewhat predictably. The educated ear might note that he was combining the work of other musicians, emulating; but wasn't that how everyone learned? Even humans?

If the Doctor had been aware of his continued presence, he had been tolerant of it. He would have to thank him later for the kind access to his amicable ship, and perhaps try to ascertain the cause of the suspicious silence that came with the mention of having previously known an android.

He didn't really know quite what to do with himself since arriving. He saw that there were positions open for jobs, but he couldn't contemplate what it was that he would want to do. He couldn't actually choose a function.

Perhaps he had gotten too used to being directed by others.

For now, he decided to sit against the wall in one of the empty corridors, using the acoustics to evaluate his playing of a gentle violin sonata by Bach, and vaguely wonder what Picard would have thought of the piece.

[canon] data, [canon] kerr avon

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