An Unexpected Arrival [OTA]

Sep 19, 2009 15:57

Ace missed the Professor a lot. Especially lately. She'd made friends among the other students at the Time Academy but she never really fit in. Not that that was anything new. She'd never really fit in back at Parivale either. Her thoughts had returned to the Doctor as she was preparing for her first solo mission for her class. She hoped that he would be proud of her but more importantly, Ace had wanted to share this experience with him.

She checked the dials on the TARDIS, making sure that everything was ready before she took off. Ace was pretty confident in her ability to pick the right location, it was the ability to pick the right time that she was nervous about. After double and triple checking, and knowing that she couldn't check anymore, Ace stepped out of the TARDIS.

Instead of seeing the Time Academy in the distance, Ace was surrounded by metal. Metal and people. People that were ignoring her but that wasn't the worst of all. The worst was that there was absolutely no TARDIS either. Even before her first mission, Ace had not only lost herself but LOST THE TARDIS. Oh, this was not good.

"Excuse me." She approached someone but they walked right on past her. "OI!" Ace narrowed her eyes at the retreating back. She might no longer be a teenager but her temper was just as quick to flair to life.

[post] entry post, [canon] ace mcshane, [oc] pryce halliwell

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