Only slightly weirder than San Francisco - OTA

Sep 14, 2009 20:04

Between one step and the next, the pavement went metallic and the sluggish heat of a San Fran evening was suddenly chilly and metallic air.

Pryce froze up in shock, not generally advisable when one was mid-stride of a fairly fast jog, and the resulting bodily confusion led to her slamming against metal decking knee first, elbow second, pride last and most badly injured. She hauled herself up quickly, resisting the urge to rub what felt like a fantastic bruise starting on her shoulder.

"MOM?" she bellowed, shamelessly loud, because it would be better to know if her mother had been sucked into this, too.

It wasn't as if demon attacks didn't happen, but they generally didn't involve metal floors. And windows that looked out onto stars. Lots of stars. All around them. Moving.

The big teenager froze back against the far wall, dingy yellow eyes staring out in shock at the starscape.

[post] entry post, [canon] silken floss, [oc] pryce halliwell

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