Recovering [OTA]

Jan 25, 2010 18:56

Being someone else for a few days had grimly affected Dayna. There were the obvious consequences. For one thing, it hurt. Most of it she fortunately didn't remember, but what she could was excruciating. She also had a faint recollection of Vila assisting her, which mean that she would owe him a debt. Maybe by some miracle she would happen ( Read more... )

[canon] vila restal, [place] promenade, [place] security, [canon] dayna mellanby

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allergictofear January 26 2010, 22:39:22 UTC
Vila had been worried for Dayna, of course as soon as the all clear went out he rocketed himself to his room and curled up with his old friend alcohol to calm his frazzled nerves. Nerves re energized Vila was out on the prowl once more, hands in pockets, whistling along, he wondered if he should stop by Dayna's room to see if she was all right for sure when he saw her coming along.

"Oi! Dayna. Glad to see you up and about."


mellanby January 26 2010, 23:42:18 UTC
It was fortunate that they'd been through all that they had been through, or he would have been more difficult to face. Still there was a nagging hint of embarrassment when he called her name, one that she wouldn't let show on her face.

"Look at you, the usual Vila. Knowing your luck you probably didn't get sick at all. It does work in all of the wrong ways, doesn't it?" She leaned against the railing of the promenade, crossing her arms and regarding him carefully.

"Thank you, by the way."


allergictofear January 27 2010, 06:00:44 UTC
"I have all the luck when it comes to that sort of thing I suppose. Must be all the alcohol. I have preserved myself. My DNA can not be tampered with and I am immune to all diseases. Just wish it made one immune to pain as well." He laughed lightly. Vila looked sheepishly at the ground for a moment, grinning. "Wasn't a problem. I'm just glad to see you're ok."


mellanby January 27 2010, 06:06:47 UTC
There. Sentiment over. Now to get back to taunting Vila. That would certainly make the universe normal again.

"If there ever was proof that alcohol was a sanitizing agent it's the fact that your blood could withstand the rigors of the worst disease. Though if I recall it didn't do much to keep that sand from sapping your strength." She thumped his shoulder manishly and started walking. He would follow or he wouldn't, though it being Vila she suspected that he would follow.


allergictofear January 28 2010, 19:28:05 UTC
"Well, it protects against most things." And most things being work and any disease and or drugs he happened to come in contact with. And she was right, Vila followed along after her like a lost puppy, loping along happily behind her, it helped however, that she had a nice behind to follow.


mellanby January 29 2010, 01:05:22 UTC
"I talked to Avon a little more. At least worked some things out. Though he's determined that there's no possible way he could have gone as mad as he did. I suppose no one would want to believe that they went completely merrily sailing off the deep end of sanity..."

She still blamed Servalan for that. It was that wretched sow's fault, and it would always be.


allergictofear January 31 2010, 00:11:34 UTC
"Well, that's good at least. I'm glad he's so confident in his ability not to go mad. But I'm not. I will just stay away from danger when Avon is involved if it's all the same." He did not need to be threatened like that again. Vila would agree with this thought if Dayna had said it out loud, he would also add that Blake was to blame for most of their misfortune in the first place.


mellanby January 31 2010, 04:30:13 UTC
"It would require him not being so headstrong. The most we can do I think is keep him adamant in denying a foolish loyalty for Blake. It might keep him from dragging another version of us to our deaths."

She frowned at the carpet. "Did I ever tell you about my father, Vila? He was a good man. I admired him quite a bit. He looked to Blake as the future freedom of the Federation. ...And now I feel... ridiculous that I thought that he was the best that the rebellion had to offer. I should have just left with Justin and settled somewhere. You too. You could have been happier."


allergictofear February 1 2010, 08:48:09 UTC
Vila guffawed loudly at that. "Avon, not head strong. Oh boy, that would be the day." He let the laugh trail off by itself still picturing it. Avon, not being an egocentric prick. That would be the day. The day of what, Vila wasn't sure. His laugh has all by petered out as Dayna spoke of her father.

"Lots of people did, Dayna. I did too. I believed him. A bit any way. He was powerful that way. Even Avon believed him I think. But we couldn't make a difference alone, and that was the problem. We were alone, desperately so, most of the time any way." Space was an empty void. Vila cleared his throat a moment.

"Yeah, well I chose you guys. Hope you're happy. I could of been a king, a hero on another planet and had a beautiful girl and everything."


mellanby February 2 2010, 08:44:36 UTC
"Honestly, Vila... You really should have stayed. But I'm glad you didn't. I doubt I could have tolerated the lot of them alone. And Soolin and I would have missed you making us smile." And she did miss Soolin. The woman had become something of a replacement Lauren to her. Brash and daring, everything she fondly remembered of her sister.

Really, she would have been a right fit for Avon as well. It was unfortunate she hadn't the time to smack some sense into him. This, she supposed, was their second chance.


allergictofear February 3 2010, 21:22:21 UTC
"Yeah, well, coulda, woulda, shoulda. I coulda been a lot of things. I shoulda done a lot differently. And I coulda been a king, a hero. But I chose life with you guys. And you wanna know why?" He laughed as if it was a secret joke. "Cause I adore being used and abused. Because I couldn't even believe a world where things went right. Ever. No matter how hard I want it. This place has even proved it's not perfect either. I think I would be a little more then paranoid if things went too well for me." He sighed a bit.

"As long as I can make someone happy I suppose I'm glad I didn't go through with it."


mellanby February 4 2010, 07:03:24 UTC
"Aw, Vila? That's strangely sweet that you would prefer to be used and abused by people you trusted." And it would make more sense that when Avon had been foolish enough to violate that trust, it had nearly ruined the happy go lucky drunk.

But she had to remind herself that this Avon hadn't done that yet.

"I heard you once encountered clones. This is what this Avon reminds me of. A clone that's sauntered in, made before the madness that overtook him. You should have gone back after the duplicate Blake. We should have, anyway. He probably would have still had an ounce of common sense."


allergictofear February 5 2010, 22:42:41 UTC
"That's my lot in life, I suppose. It's a life at least. And it's my own. Only thing I've ever owned outright is my own hide." Vila smirked, though there was something behind that one that was a bit down trodden. Yes, he had trusted Avon and while this Avon was not THEIR Avon he was still AN Avon. And Vila wasn't sure he could trust him either way.

"Yeah, I agree. It's a bit disorienting. But then this place is like that. There are men here who know me really well that I have never met. This pointy earred fellow says we were room mates even."


mellanby February 5 2010, 23:23:56 UTC
"Aw, Vila. You have premade friends. You don't even have to put forth the effort," she teased. "And a boyfriend goblin it seems."

She might have taken roommates and completely misinterpreted what he'd meant by it. After all, where they were from board rarely came for free. Even aboard a ship like the Liberator.


allergictofear February 7 2010, 20:53:12 UTC
"Of the best kind." Vila smirked. "He specifically stated we weren't friend in that manner but I might have to work on it. He's a tall goblin, supremely serious type. But he's genuine. I've never met any one like him."


mellanby February 8 2010, 00:47:37 UTC
"Genuine?" She asked seriously, like she really didn't know what he was talking about. Her father had been about the only genuine man that she had ever met. Vila to an extent, in that despite being a liar and a thief he often felt like the most trustworthy one of the other crew. In the days after Cally, anyway.


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