
Apr 26, 2008 11:07

After a trip to the home despot and to the local plant store, my deck now hosts:

- two types of peppers ("mucho nacho" and yellow bell)
- yellow pear tomatoes
- thai basil
- three strawberry plants
- oregano
- garlic chives
- cilantro
- sweet basil (seeds)
- mesclun mix (seeds)
- peppermint (seeds)

Since the weather is still a bit iffy, the guy at the plant store told me to bring them in at night. I'll have to go get the tarp from the car so they have a place to sleep. We'll see if this happens more than once. It's supposed to rain for the next few days, and I'm not sure whether to keep them inside through that or outside. If they're sopping wet, I probably won't be bringing them in and out. It's not supposed to freeze or anything though. Any ideas?
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