Hated by the Daily Mail

Feb 01, 2009 09:21

I am now that most evil of creatures, The Working Mother.

I have to say, I don't feel very evil. I drop Ez off at the nursery, she looks very interested and happy, G picks her up, very interested and having been very happy all day according to the staff, which I can well believe, as she generally is. Having had best intententions to get her to feed herself baby-led weaning stylee, but it seems she may need some spooning to get enough down her, so we'll mix it up a bit.

Weird being back at work - one thing I know after three days is that I really would not want to be full time. I might consider four days if G ever gets to a position to work a four day week, as it would make life much easier financially, but it is a bit saddening to have so little time with her - she's just such a happy-making little bugger! But I got back into the swing of things, did find it especially annoying when there were intervals of nothing doing, though.

Slighty concerned that the main publication I'm working on looks to me like it's not going to outlast the year, though I suspect other things to do will be found if necessary. I'm inclined to stick with my employers for a while yet, though I may consider getting my CV out with agents in a few months' time just in case anything interesting crops up.
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