Since I'm getting more and more questions regarding this, I'm going to start building an F.A.Q.
About the community and maintainer
1. Who are you?
I am the pattern/texture fairy come to Live Journal land. Really that is all you need to knnow. (smiles)
2. What is a Zinzibar?
Zinzibar is actually a fragrance created by
The Body Shop, which I obviously like. I thought the name sounded a little exotic and used it for the community.
3. Why do you do this?
I do this as a way to relax. If pattern making was a chant, I'd be a whole new religion. In other words, I do this for fun. What other reason is there?
4. How do I become an affiliate?
Just send me an e-mail zinzibar.mod at with the name of your community. I'll check it out and let you know. I don't affiliate with everyone so please, do not take it personally if I say no.
side note: I've notice a trend in hiding affiliates in some post and then linking to it. I find that counter productive. The whole purpose of affiliates is that you help promote each other in your respective communities on a prominent page like your profile. I prefer affiliate listings to be on the profile page.
About the Patterns and Textures
1. What graphics program do you use to create your patterns and textures?
I use Paint Shop Pro 9 and Photoshop CS2.
2. What other resources do you use to create your patterns and textures?
I play around with whatever presets are alreay available on each program. If I use brushes, I make them using PS or PSP presets. Once in a while for fun (as can be seen in my valentine's patterns) I'll use a dingbat font but that's it.
3. Can I recolor your patterns/textures?
Sure. If you need to do that for your project, go ahead. Just remember that you cannot then claim them as your own. I still retain copyright over my work.
4. Can I make my own brushes, textures, icon bases, patterns using your work?
No, you may not. You cannot create other resources using my patterns. Only finished graphics/projects.
5. Can I use your patterns/texture to create linkware layouts?
Yes with an exception.
Patterns: You may use my patterns as backgrounds for your layouts if you credit
zinzibar in your layout.
(IE: layout by me, patterns/textures from zinzibar)
That way you are not redistributing my patterns for others to use.
Textures: If you modify it and use it in your banner with other pictures, graphics, patterns etc, you're welcome to just put a credit in your resource post.
IF you only use my texture as your banner, then I would request a credit to the community be placed on the layout itself for the texture. (If you want an example of a banner that only uses my texture and really is not modified, you can check out the one at
zinzibar. If this confuses you, you're welcome to send me an e-mail or make a post in the community with your question and I'll try to answer it as best as I can.
6. Can I use your textures/graphics to create scrapbook pages?
Sure, if they are personal pages and not done for profit. Fair warning, I create textures and patterns with a 72 dpi which makes them perfect for webwork but not really great for print work. So you might want to keep that in mind if you are making scrapbook pages with my work.
7. How do I use your textures and patterns?
This is a tough question to answer as there is no right or wrong way to use a texture or pattern. Most patterns can be used for website, icon or fanart backgrounds. You can use it to accent your work as well. It depends how creative you are.
Textures have many uses. Some use it as a way to add color to a graphic. Some use a texture alone as a backdrop to well placed text, other's will use it as the background to their fanart/graphic work and some I believe actually use my stuff to create scrapbook pages. The best way to inspire yourself is to check out what other people are doing. Here are some links to tutorials which use textures: