Feb 13, 2008 23:26
Today was a really busy day. It ended with church, which was nice. I do appreciate the Lenten services, especially because they have communion! I love communion, and I love the way we are able to do it. Since there are only 10-12 of us, we can sit in a circle of chairs around a table with prayer candles and the bread and wine. The bread is actual bread, not the wafers I grew up on, but a round, high loaf. Apparently a local bakery makes a special "communion loaf" that breaks more easily. We sing ("Eat this bread, drink this cup, come to me and never be hungry; eat this bread, drink this cup, trust in me and you will not thirst") and pass the bread and wine around the circle, serving each other. One person says, "Do this in remembrance of Christ," and the other dips a piece of bread into the wine, then continues the circle.
I don't know how I am doing with Lent. I have given something concrete up this year, and so far I have stuck to it, and it is definitely making me think. I decided to give up an entirely private vice, instead of something that can be shared. For instance, sharing food is so much a part of my life that giving up a favorite food seems alienating, but this particular thing can be a secret. However, it's only illuminating the other things that I do that I want to keep private because they're not spiritually healthy. The president of my college gave a talk once about sin. He said one of his professors at Harvard told him sin was "not sweeping behind the radiator." He interpreted this as doing things, or not doing things, and feeling bad about it but justifying it because no one would see or know. But the point is that God knows. That is what I keep being reminded of this Lent.
Lately I have been especially grateful for my best friend. We've been emailing a bit more than usual. She mentioned that she had to move the silver ring I gave her years ago onto another finger and it makes her think about it more, and that is good. It's wondrous to me that that we are able to stay connected and be comforted by thinking about each other.
I am grateful for Buzzy too, very much. She gave me a silver claddagh ring for an early V-day present. I wear it right next to Catherine's friendship ring. I'm glad that we are growing in trust and that our lives are growing together.
good things