Taking some time

Aug 27, 2010 19:43

Finding the time to sit down and write thoughts going through my head has been a challenge lately. Yes, I know I always seem busy. Well I have been. Between work and life I find very little time to just sit and catch up. I do think if I could drive and write at the same time that a lot more would get posted. It has gotten to the point that just sitting for more than five or ten minutes fills me with guilt and anxiety about not getting something else done. Results = stress and depression. Just a bit mind you, and I'm usually pretty good at managing it.
Bah. Enough about me and my scarcity.

I'm almost done with my noon to nine for the week. Technically I'm not working right now as I'm system testing tonight from 10pm until 3am. Fun fun. I'm not real happy about that. My normal view this week after finally wrapping up.

Big empty parking deck. Once I make it through tonight it's over for about 45 days. Ugh I hate that schedule.

Home life is good. I got some good advice about Patrick and my doubts about us. Mostly that I can't change who he is or what he does. That has to come from him. I can just be the best person I can be and trust he will do the same. If he does anything behind my back then I'll eventually find out and that will be that. It sounds kinda harsh but it's nothing less then the truth. Once I learn to adjust and accept that, then I can start enjoying the good times and not assuming the worst. It's hard. I don't trust easy.

That's enough for now. I've got a camping trip next weekend up near the Blue Ridge Parkway. I'll post before that and get lots of pics while there. Can't wait!

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