Haha, that's what I kept saying after seeing that promo... "Wow, I never expected Alicia to utter those words outside of the A/K/whoever threesome!" God, I hope they cough up Kalinda to her and they have an awkward car ride together where they are forced to talk to each other. I've been collecting images of them for a possible new LJ banner, and WORDS CAN'T EXPRESS how much I miss their stupid faces together.
LOL, the W/A break-up, I guess that was pretty important, huh? Gah, it's hard to believe I used to ship them pretty hardcore. It had to happen sooner or later, although it's a little mystifying that THIS is the event that finally made Lish realize it. She totally needed a cuddle in the end. KALINDA. YOUR GIRLFRIEND NEEDS YOU. STOP FUCKING AROUND WITH THE CREEPOS AND GO TAKE CARE OF HER.
Oh God, if they hurt a single hair on Lauren's head, I think I'll lose it. That just HORRIFIES me.
I'm kind of wondering if that still is from a dungeon!Lauren hallucination/dream or something? It seems unlikely that they will solve the mystery of Nadia's coma, wake her up, and have a fancy party celebrating her awakening or Lauren's free-ing or whatevs (at BO'S HOUSE, it looks like??) all in the space of 1 ep. Like, I think she'll wake up soon, but next epi seems like rushing it.
OMG I WOULD KILL SOMEONE TO SEE AN A/K AWKWARD CAR RIDE. That's the best place to have forced conversations laden with subtext, you know. The writers need to get on that immediately.
For a moment during the W/A breakup scene I was completely confused as to why Alicia was doing it. I'm not really seeing what about Grace's disappearance made A realize that she couldn't date Will? I mean, not that I'm complaining exactly, but it seemed really random. Maybe it means that we're gearing up for Alicia and Kalinda to get together. :D (Okay, or not. But I can dream!)
It seems unlikely that they will solve the mystery of Nadia's coma, wake her up, and have a fancy party celebrating her awakening or Lauren's free-ing or whatevs (at BO'S HOUSE, it looks like??) all in the space of 1 ep. Yeahhhhhh, that would be really weird. I like your idea of hallucination/dream/flashback!Lauren. The summary for next episode, which is: Bo enlists Dyson's help to find an artifact she believes will release Lauren from her life of servitude to the Fae -- even though it might mean having to say goodbye to the good doctor herself, suggests that the next epi will be more about Lauren and less about Nadia. AND I think (hope) it means that we get to see Bo having an angst-fest over Lauren and doing awesome things to save her. *fans self*
Does "say goodbye to [Lauren]" mean she's going to DIE, or just go away somehow? I guess it would be pointless (not to mention REALLY FREAKING DEPRESSING) for Bo to save Lauren only for her to immediately die. But how would this artifact necessitate Lauren's disappearance?! Gah, I'm probably going to make myself crazy before tomorrow.
I kind of hope Nadia doesn't return for a good long while. I'm totally not ready for them to open that can of worms yet. I want more slightly-angsty-but-still-mostly-guilt-free Bo/Lauren shippiness, dammit!
I don't think an awkward car ride is completely out of the question, yo. Like, there are some things I want (like a desperate angsty make-out session) that I KNOW are reaching, but I'm thinking awkward car rides stand a legit likely possibility.:)
My thought on the A/W break-up is that the whole missing Grace situation gave Alicia a wake-up call as to what in her life was REALLY important. The fact is that her relationship with Will is risky in a lot of ways -- it could negatively impact her job if people found out, Peter could use it against her, she could lose Will (who is one of her only friends right now) completely if it didn't work out, which is certainly possible since she can't figure out wtf she wants right now. So this experience kind of re-centered her and made her realize what I've been saying for awhile... as much as she needed to get laid, girlfriend REALLY needs some alone time.
Does "say goodbye to [Lauren]" mean she's going to DIE, or just go away somehow? I guess it would be pointless (not to mention REALLY FREAKING DEPRESSING) for Bo to save Lauren only for her to immediately die. But how would this artifact necessitate Lauren's disappearance?! I figured that comment to be MUCH more benign... more like if Lauren is freed and Nadia wakes up, there's nothing tying her to the world of the Fae and, by extension, Bo, anymore. So she has to say goodbye to her relationship with Lauren.
I've seen a lot of people concerned for Lauren's eventual demise, although if that happens I don't think it will be anywhere close to soon. She's an EXTREMELY popular character who draws a lot of the fanbase, so it would be unwise to lose her. *considers if I'd be near as interested in the show without her* *figures probably not:-\*
Nadia's prooobably coming back soon. But I doubt tonight, for some reason.
Mostly, I'm just excited to see Lauren in a cute dress rather than her standard gear. I feel this will be conducive to potential make-outs; hopefully with the right person.
LOL, the W/A break-up, I guess that was pretty important, huh? Gah, it's hard to believe I used to ship them pretty hardcore. It had to happen sooner or later, although it's a little mystifying that THIS is the event that finally made Lish realize it. She totally needed a cuddle in the end. KALINDA. YOUR GIRLFRIEND NEEDS YOU. STOP FUCKING AROUND WITH THE CREEPOS AND GO TAKE CARE OF HER.
Oh God, if they hurt a single hair on Lauren's head, I think I'll lose it. That just HORRIFIES me.
I'm kind of wondering if that still is from a dungeon!Lauren hallucination/dream or something? It seems unlikely that they will solve the mystery of Nadia's coma, wake her up, and have a fancy party celebrating her awakening or Lauren's free-ing or whatevs (at BO'S HOUSE, it looks like??) all in the space of 1 ep. Like, I think she'll wake up soon, but next epi seems like rushing it.
For a moment during the W/A breakup scene I was completely confused as to why Alicia was doing it. I'm not really seeing what about Grace's disappearance made A realize that she couldn't date Will? I mean, not that I'm complaining exactly, but it seemed really random. Maybe it means that we're gearing up for Alicia and Kalinda to get together. :D (Okay, or not. But I can dream!)
It seems unlikely that they will solve the mystery of Nadia's coma, wake her up, and have a fancy party celebrating her awakening or Lauren's free-ing or whatevs (at BO'S HOUSE, it looks like??) all in the space of 1 ep.
Yeahhhhhh, that would be really weird. I like your idea of hallucination/dream/flashback!Lauren. The summary for next episode, which is: Bo enlists Dyson's help to find an artifact she believes will release Lauren from her life of servitude to the Fae -- even though it might mean having to say goodbye to the good doctor herself, suggests that the next epi will be more about Lauren and less about Nadia. AND I think (hope) it means that we get to see Bo having an angst-fest over Lauren and doing awesome things to save her. *fans self*
Does "say goodbye to [Lauren]" mean she's going to DIE, or just go away somehow? I guess it would be pointless (not to mention REALLY FREAKING DEPRESSING) for Bo to save Lauren only for her to immediately die. But how would this artifact necessitate Lauren's disappearance?! Gah, I'm probably going to make myself crazy before tomorrow.
I kind of hope Nadia doesn't return for a good long while. I'm totally not ready for them to open that can of worms yet. I want more slightly-angsty-but-still-mostly-guilt-free Bo/Lauren shippiness, dammit!
My thought on the A/W break-up is that the whole missing Grace situation gave Alicia a wake-up call as to what in her life was REALLY important. The fact is that her relationship with Will is risky in a lot of ways -- it could negatively impact her job if people found out, Peter could use it against her, she could lose Will (who is one of her only friends right now) completely if it didn't work out, which is certainly possible since she can't figure out wtf she wants right now. So this experience kind of re-centered her and made her realize what I've been saying for awhile... as much as she needed to get laid, girlfriend REALLY needs some alone time.
Does "say goodbye to [Lauren]" mean she's going to DIE, or just go away somehow? I guess it would be pointless (not to mention REALLY FREAKING DEPRESSING) for Bo to save Lauren only for her to immediately die. But how would this artifact necessitate Lauren's disappearance?!
I figured that comment to be MUCH more benign... more like if Lauren is freed and Nadia wakes up, there's nothing tying her to the world of the Fae and, by extension, Bo, anymore. So she has to say goodbye to her relationship with Lauren.
I've seen a lot of people concerned for Lauren's eventual demise, although if that happens I don't think it will be anywhere close to soon. She's an EXTREMELY popular character who draws a lot of the fanbase, so it would be unwise to lose her. *considers if I'd be near as interested in the show without her* *figures probably not:-\*
Nadia's prooobably coming back soon. But I doubt tonight, for some reason.
Mostly, I'm just excited to see Lauren in a cute dress rather than her standard gear. I feel this will be conducive to potential make-outs; hopefully with the right person.
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