I did it, "donated" my hair!

Oct 16, 2008 22:47

So, yesterday I had it cut, and I hope they can make a nice wig from it for a cancer patient. (and the €50 that pantene gives to the fundraiser for it, let's not forget that).
I am very pleased, I like my new haircut. Only not so much this morning when I came out of bed, it stood out at all angles... So, for the first time in 5 years or so, I used my dryer again. It went reasonably well.

But on the downside, my face and neck are much more visible now, and I had a very stressful week last week (with my girl in hospital). I had acne popping up all over my face, and a little dry spot in my neck. The acne is almost gone now, I put a lot of make-up on today (a new hair-cut, a new women ;)  ) but the dry skin-spot in my neck just got bigger, and I started to doubt it was stress related as the acne was.
And now today at work, everybody complimented me on my haircut, following either with the words: "what's that in your neck? Is that a hickey?" or: "is that dermatophytosis?" (-> I don't know if this is the right word for it, it's a disease anyway, ringworm)
And a bit later the veterinary passed me in the hallway and the first thing he said: "Are you having dermatophytosis?"
You see, since I work in an animal shop, we can sometimes pick up diseases from them, this is a skin disease (it's actually called a Katherina wheel if I translate it literally), and every once in a while, one of the employees picks it up. Mostly when your natural resistance/immunity is a bit lower.
But it's kinda funny that the veterinary takes one look at me and recognizes it for what it is, while I spend last week in a hospital where none of the doctors or nurses saw it. Of course, they were looking at my child and not me, and my hair was covering it.
But damn, I need to cover it a bit, so I don't infect others and I believe it stays like four weeks before it is entirely gone. (I had it before, but on my arm, everybody can 'carry' it, but it only comes 'to life' when you are weaker).

I realized today that I have a leap coming up, last week of october. I forgot I arranged to be home during my son's holiday, so now I only have one week more to work (6 working days), and then I am home! Yay, sleeping long every day and hopefully no sick child for once! (if they are willing, my kids can sleep until 9.30, I am a blessed mother with kids like that)

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