(no subject)

Jun 03, 2005 15:51


thanx to brianna's xanga i remembered a few things about ORU.

the most exciting is, when we were practicing winterguard in this field. there is this part in the dance where we all turn, and when we did we were staring directly into this girls bathroom. she had not closed tthe blinds and she was using the bathroom.

she did not see us at first but we all just stood there and laughed and pointed untill she saw us. then we waved at her. it was REALLY funny.

poor girl. she waved back though!

i never ran in circles in that mirror place though. how sad!

the eternal flame was also not put out...but next year...

06 PICK UP STICKS!!!!!!!

ok so, am i a flirt?? i have been accused of this, which i find weird....hmm.
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