So after I posted my last entry yesterday, I immediately got an IM from someone named HokeyCoho that said "Happy Canada day." I replied "Eh?" Cause I don't know who this person is and I'm a smart ass. Then they ask me who I am and why I IM'd them. I thought it was rather strange and I googled the name and turned up this: Upstream generates bots and randomly hooks up to people on AIM after sending messages to both parties.
So I end up chatting with this person for a good 20 minutes or so. I'm glad I wasn't a total ass even when I thought he was a bot himself, lol. Turned out he was from Brazil. It was really interesting. So if I start to post here more, it's because I'm hoping for more random fish bots, haha.
My fishtank is looking good. Just put a few more plants in it. The minnows are happy--except the one that died today. :(
I wish I had better lighting--I need to fix the ballast on my 48" fixture. For now they get low watt compacts. They should be okay for a little while like that at least.
There is a RML R20J for sale on DOA right now. I'm going for it. She takes offers until tomorrow night.
Speaking of RML dolls, I repainted Senna. She looks great and I just effing love her.
She was the shining moment of happy in my otherwise kinda crappy day.
Pics here: don't have to be a member to see. ^^