Nov 25, 2004 16:50

yes it is thanksgiving and the only things i am thankful for are my friends and my family....that's it. i dont really have my health right now and i'm already thankful for life and my home and being were i am so it kinda limits me to very litte. does anyone remember looking forward to thanksgiving when they were kids? i dont remember. all i remember is the food would be good and all of my family would be in one place being loud and annoying. my little cousins would follow me around until they found one of the other older kids more interesting and my grandma would always say the same thing before we ate, "NOBODY EATS UNTIL WE SAY GRACE!!!!!" and then everyone would freeze and look ashamed for a minute and then put their heads down and she would say grace and then it would get so loud sometimes you had to have an extra advil next to your plate to make it through dinner. even though the end of the year holidays weren't always a thrill for me i somehow still enjoyed them and i think about them now with a smile. i liked being a kid back then......
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