Ok, oddly enough I was thinking about this tonight while doing laundry, so for what it's worth I wrote a program to plot out simran's idea. I used some data I ganked off the net. It works out that the data points for words are a lot less sparse than for primes, although that's pretty obvious. The two plots look like this (for the first 474721 possible data points, which is roughly the number of possible words of less than 5 letters).
yeah, it was really unexpected for me that the primes were a lot denser than the words. I had thought it would be the other way around. The other surprising bit is the regular diagonal lines in the primes. When I ran it using the square root as the image width, the lines were verticals. (at least when the root was even, such as sqrt(26^4) ;-)
Now I gotta figure out how to turn them into music!
Where did you get your data of acceptable plays?
Primes highlighted:
( ... )
Now I gotta figure out how to turn them into music!
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