I was in a blah sort of mood a couple weeks ago, which is very unlike me. I'm lucky enough to have an absolutely awesome life (imo- which, in this case, is the only one that matters). My self-prescribed cure was to take the dogs hiking everyday. I've always considered FL a flat, hot, boring state filled with biting/stinging bugs and slow drivers. I'm not sure if it's just due to my low expectations, but I've been majorly impressed with the state parks and "hiking" trails. Zing and I have hit a new one everyday and have tried to fit in 5-7 miles a trip.
After I got lost, heard a someone screaming like they were getting murdered, saw a wild boar running around the paths (thought about King Robert in Game of Thrones), and got spooked by a couple alligators (all on different hikes)... I decided to take my cell phone and actually tell a friend where I was going. I should have brought a real camera. Instagram pictures a better than nothing.
Facebook has been replaced with
this website and the dogs and I are having an incredible February. In addition to hiking, all the dogs swim at least 30 minutes a day and walk around the property with me for an hour. Zing should be in perfect shape for nationals, we just need to get back to that training thing...