
Feb 19, 2007 12:40

First things first:

Happy Birthday morgoid!

Now the rest:

Dancing this weekend = Mostly yay, except not enough dancing with the Gentleman, and arriving four hours later than anticipated on Friday evening, thereby missing all Friday's activities.

The Gentleman is visiting = YAY! Except that he is leaving tomorrow, and I am sick.

Being sick with a sore-throaty, sniffly, sneezy, head full of styrofoam peanuts, dumb, not-even-interesting kind of cold = BOO with a squinched up grumpy face.

Work = BOO, in general. More on this later.

Okay. I am too mauggey and muzzy-headed to update my LJ. I can't do a workflow review. I can't contemplate what the content should be in a teacher's guide for teachers at Catholic schools. This is teh lame. It's time to give up, and take my germs home to bed.

teh lame, celebrations and felicitations

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