Dear Internets,
I need to come up with a title for a short article for a science textbook for grades 6, 7, and 8. The article is about the
strange and fascinating reproductive practices of seahorses (short version: females deposit eggs in males' brood pouches. Males fertilize and carry the brood of seahorse babies, eventually going into something that resembles labour, and the brood leaves the pouch).
Here are the requirements:
- No personification: we're not allowed to assign human characteristics to non-human entities (therefore no gender-role jokes).
- No overt raciness: this is for middle-graders in the U.S.
- Should be kind of fun and cool-these features are supposed to be engaging.
- Title should not be more than five words (or it won't fit)
Ideally, for design purposes, the title will include the word "Seahorse," but this is not a requirement.
Titles that have been panned:
Seahorse Reproduction-too boring
Making Babies, Seahorse Style-too suggestive
Seahorses: Sexual Rebels of the Sea-personification; too long
So, oh internets, I turn to you for assistance, because everyone here is scratching their heads and looking puzzled. Well, to be truthful, everyone here has gone home. They've already scratched their heads and looked puzzled.
So, give me a title! Do it for the fame! Do it for the glory! Do it for the LOLs!