It's been awhile...

Dec 28, 2006 18:16

So, after getting through my grad ceremonies and working 60+ hour weeks in december, we've arrived at the new year...

No resolutions to be made I don't think. Not horribly bothered with anything I personally can change. This new year brings alot of things. Endings and begginings. I've spent the last 2 years of my life over in the UK. I've gained alot from my time here. I've now got a Masters degree, I I followed a pretty girl home one night and I haven't been able lose her ever since(not that I tried of wanted to). But they've decided to not give me a new visa and therefore i'm forced to end my life as it is here and get my ass back to Canada. I had a co-worker put it into perspective when she said "it's wierd to think i'll never see you again". Which is probably very true. Another set of goodbyes.....I've been home(in Edmonton) for a total of 2 weeks since March of 05. I'm hoping the 3 months i'll be spending at home will bring alot of answers that i've been looking for for a very long time now...and i'm not what you would call a patient person :)Although I am very much looking forward to working in the service industry in a country that knows how to tip! Then I will be packing up and leaving once again. This time not so far away. misskitty_79 and I will be trying ourselves out in Canada's biggest(but by no means greatest) city. Part of me is very excited about this and other parts are worried, anxious, and very unsure. But regardless of that, my life in TO will start with a couple of bday celebrations. Which may be very lonely since I don't really know anyone in Toronto yet. Oh and let's just say i'm not what you would call thrilled about being an Oilers fan in a sea of maple leafs...I hate the maple leafs...Looking forward to Italy, Spain, and Egypt in February...not much else to say without boring the pants off of you if I haven't already done so. Take care everyone. And to those of you that I know on lj that are friends of misskitty_79(which would be everyone I know on lj :) ), I hope I will be meeting you all in person very soon(finally). Happy Holidays to all which ever holiday you may be celebrating!

home, scotland

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