some days it seems all the electrons in yr brain are overcharged and yr synapses overloaded and burnt out. some days all your thoughts come out like snow static and you keep yr lips shut because you know the only things to come out would sound like bzzzzzzzzzzzztt kkkhhggtkkkgghhhtkkkkghhhht.
i know this.
and i know that nobody told you there'd be days like this.
(think of it as a dryer sheet for yr head)
cocktail napkins.
homemade scarves.
diamonds every day.
chinese joss paper.
learning how to say no.
walking arm-in-arm
found items, like photos, notes, grocery lists, train tickets, dry cleaning receipts..
homemade treats.
ice cream + cake
valentines. especially handmade or vintage.
sleepy smiles.
writing lists.
secret catchwords.
hot steamy showers
treasure change in the laundry.
picnics on playgrounds at night.
dandelion seeds.
brand new paper journals.
the after-effects of rain.
tinkly music boxes.
"good morning" notes on the keyboard.
lip balm
used books.
hair dye.
nonchalant liquor sneaks.
getting photos back from the developer.
catholic prayer cards
ballgowns + converse.
charity shops.
piles of paintings stacked everywhere
skinny black ribbon.
sharpies and pilot pens
mismatched furniture.
baby pictures. (you know it's true.)
abandoned buildings.
bad pop music from yr childhood.
mix tapes.
vinyl records.
chipped nail polish.
painting the walls.
writing on skin.
yards allowed to grow wild and weedy.
free samples.
letters and postcards in the mail.
*real* mod fashion.
sanctioned cattiness.
random hacking of hair in the kitchen or bathroom.
light snow.
unexpectedly finding the perfect gift.
magnetic poetry.
birthday candles.
vintage typewriters.
black and white tv/movies
pressed flowers.
sidewalk chalk.
crossword puzzles.
frogs croaking.
magic 8-balls.
xmas lights in any room possible.
pop-up books.
fortune cookies.
staples and glue, and sometimes tape.
multiple blankets.