WHO GETS KICKED OUT OF A CLASS IN COLLEGE??? yeah only these guys when together...
This picture is after the incident has taken place and we are celebrating that class ended 45 minutes early...well for us anyways
We're just sitting there all innocent like and the professor takes the time to walk all the way up to our seats in the lecture hall and told us 3 to leave the class. I couldn't stop laughing, my stomach was hurting. I can't believe we got kicked out, we're the ones paying for our spot in that classroom!!
Also last friday we went to a performance for that same class. and we weren't even 2 minutes into the play when when the lady in front of me and rach shhhs us because me and rach are laughing hysterically because some guy was on the stage in his skivvies. trust me if you were to witness such an event you would've been shhhshed too.